The Elizabethtown City Council met for a special meeting and work session Monday evening.
During the special meeting, the council approved a resolution supporting the Elizabethtown Police Department’s application for Law Enforcement Protection Project funds from the Kentucky Office of Homeland Security. Elizabethtown Police Chief Jeremy Thompson said the funds will cover the purchase of new tasers.
“We learned of some grants through Homeland Security, and they want a resolution to make sure that we’re not only serious about it, but on down the road if there’s matching funds, in this particular instance there are not, but just part of the procedures for us to apply for this grant, so we don’t know how much yet,” Thompson said.
During the work session, Elizabethtown Wastewater Management Director Corey Bond discussed updates to the city’s sewer use ordinance needed to update definitions and reflect fee changes that are due to be approved at the next council meeting. Bond also discussed a proposed grease trap program under which the city would help businesses that are still using under-sink grease traps convert to exterior grease traps, which would put them in compliance with current city code and help keep city sewers cleaner.
“So basically in this year’s budget the ask will be $250,000 to put in,” Bond said. “The plan is to send a letter out to each one of these businesses that we know has one and ask them to basically say would you like to participate in this or not, and if not then basically you’re signing off saying that you’re aware that you’re basically not taking advantage of this program and you’re fine, unless one of these things happen then it’s completely on that business at that time.”
Members of the council expressed support for the creation of such a program.
Council members also asked for more information on the proposed creation of a stormwater utility fee. City officials said they would create a list of planned projects and projections for the council to review.
The Elizabethtown City Council will next meet April 7.