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You are Valuable // Praise & Shine

You are more loved and precious to God then you can ever know.

God has placed great value on your life. God loves us so much that He sent His only begotten Son to die for your and my sins. (John 3:16, Romans 5:8) He then sent the Holy Spirit to be our helper, our comforter. (Acts 5:32, 2 Corinthians 5:5) You are an heir of salvation. (Ephesians 1:5) You are not alone. Be comforted that your heavenly Father is watching over us at all times. (Psalm 121:5-8)

You are so valuable to God, not because of anything you have done, not because of anything you will do but simply because He chose to love you. (Titus 3:5) All glory deserves to go to God.The same God of scripture is the same God the is living today. (Psalm 33:11, Isaiah 40:8)

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 15:13)

Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me. (Psalm 51:12)

God created you in His image, for is glory. (Genesis 1:27) No matter how small, irrelevant, or unimportant you feel, no matter how insignificant you feel, you are valuable to God.

Power In The Cross // Praise Shine

What does the phrase, ‘there is power in the cross,’ mean to you?

Let’s take a look in the Bible…
In Luke 9:23 Jesus says, “If any of you want to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross daily, and follow me…” The cross is a powerful daily reminder of how we should lives, putting others first and ourselves last.

In first Corinthians 1:18, Paul said, “The message of the cross is foolish to those who are headed for destruction! But we who are being saved know it is the very power of God.” The cross separates God’s followers from those who don’t yet know Him. If you don’t know God, the cross may seem foolish. But for people who know God, when we think of the cross, and look upon it, picturing Jesus hanging on it, and remember the crucifixion, we feel thankful and comforted because we know we are God’s children.

The message of the cross draws a line between the people who know God and the people who need to.

In Colossians 2:13-14 Paul wrote, “You were dead because of your sins and because your sinful nature was not yet cut away. Then God made you alive with Christ, for he forgave all our sins. He canceled the record of the charges against us and took it away by nailing it to the cross.”

Hebrews 12:2, “Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame.” Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne.”

And back in Luke 9:26, Jesus says, “If anyone is ashamed of me and my message, the Son of Man will be ashamed of that person when he returns in his glory and in the glory of the Father and the holy angels.”

The cross is a simple upright post with a transverse bar and was used to crucify Jesus Christ. It’s a symbol of death, but also so much more. Death and life, hate and love, violence and peace, accusation and forgiveness, sin and purity, brokenness and wholeness, all is lost yet everything is gained, destruction and restoration, defeat and victory. Once the cruelest form of execution, yet now a symbol of abundant life.

When we say there is power in the cross, we’re not talking about the cross at all. We’re talking about the power of Jesus who loved us and gave us our forgiveness at the cross.

The phrase, ‘there is power in the cross,’ is just another way for us to describe and picture the powerful love of our God.

Doesn’t Compare // Praise & Shine

Everywhere we turn we are constantly bombarded with images, advertisements, and videos of who we should be, how we should look, and what we should be doing. In our over socialize, photoshopped world, we are constantly comparing ourselves to unrealistic expectations.

In Galatians 6:4 we read “Let each one examine his own work. Then he can take pride in himself and not compare himself with someone else.”

“God has made us what we are. In Christ Jesus, God made us new people so that we would spend our lives doing the good things he had already planned for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10.

Instead of chasing unrealistic expectations, we should chase the one who made us who we are.

Give it to God // Praise Shine

Some days I feel like I am at the end of my rope. It seems that every decision I make is the wrong one. I feel like I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place…can you relate?

Through my struggles, I’m reminded of how Job was tormented by Satin. But Satin couldn’t do anything to Job without God’s permission. And God doesn’t permit the enemy to do anything to us unless it is for our good and His glory. God is perfect and all-knowing. He knows what we need, even before we ask for it. If God is telling you no to removing a trial, tribulation, or ‘thorn in the flesh,’ it’s because He is using it for something good. God knows the end from the beginning and only has our best in mind.

Take your burdens and give them to God. They are God’s burdens now.

“Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.” Matthew 11:28-30.

I like the way the Message translation puts it…

“I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

I hope these words comfort you if you are going through a tough time or trial. Times are tough, and I understand. So does God. Trust in Him. God knows what he is doing.
“Be still and know that I am God” Psalm 64:10. Do not be afraid or discouraged… For the battle is not our, but God’s. (2 Chronicles 20:16).

Tapestry // Praise & Shine

Tapestries are beautiful works of art. They are typically woven by hand on a loom by a skilled artisan. This artisan will interface each color back and forth in its own small pattern area. Tapestries are considered to be delicate and very difficult to make; however, when complete, they are masterpieces. If you have ever had the chance to look at the back of a tapestry, you would find a different picture. It would reveal all its knots and seemingly random threads.

The same is true of life. Like an elaborate tapestry, our lives are woven little by little. Oftentimes, however, our lives seem like a tangled mess. Mistakes, missed opportunities, and mixed motives.

God has plans and purposes for each of us. If you look back on your life and see a tangled mess rather than a tapestry, trust God is working all those things together in a way we just may not see yet. It’s all about having the right perspective.

One day you will be able to turn over the tapestry of your life and see the beautiful masterpiece God has been creating.