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City of Radcliff celebrating Juneteenth

The City of Radcliff will celebrate Juneteenth, which commemorates the end of slavery, with an event this Friday from 5 to 8 p.m. at North Hardin High School.

“We’re celebrating the ability to go in and do things that we never got to do before, and we want our children and our families and others to remember where we came from in order to be able to go into the future and do some great and amazing things and not take it for granted,” said Radcliff City Council Member Michelle Mitchell. 

The event will feature food trucks, live music, vendors, speakers, resources, a kid zone, and giveaways.

Event organizer Kevin Russell says the theme of this year’s event is “Past, Present, and Future,” and three individuals (Carl Brashear, Mary Gathers, and Jathan Brydie) will be honored for their contributions to the community.

The featured speaker is Earle, Arkansas, Mayor Jaylen Smith, the youngest African-American mayor in the United States.

“He’s going to come to talk to us about community involvement and how we all can make our community grow; how we all, everybody, can be a part of the community,” Russell said. “You may think that ‘my little piece is not significant,’ but everybody’s piece is significant to make your community grow.”

The Radcliff Juneteenth celebration is free and open to the public.

LATADD director London discusses development in the region

Lincoln Trail Area Development District Executive Director Daniel London said each county pays 39 cents per citizen to be part of LTADD.

“You don’t want to hear about the 39 cents, you want to hear about the return on investment, because that’s what we look for,” London said. “The average return on investment last fiscal year was $270 from the ADD, so think about this: you buy a 39 cents stock, but you get $270 back, we would all buy that stock, and so the AD district is providing great support to local governments and communities as a result of that.”

London was the featured speaker at the Hardin County Chamber of Commerce’s June general membership luncheon, held at Phillips Grove banquet hall Wednesday. London discussed the major priorities of LTADD including community and economic development and workforce development.

London said the area right now is “bursting at the seams” with economic development opportunities, but major infrastructure improvements are needed to prepare for what is coming.

“What we came up with is almost $1 billion in infrastructure that is needed over the next six years to make this a soft landing,” London said. “That is an incredibly staggering number. This is not even all the infrastructure that’s needed for our region. We have another over $1 billion that’s not on this chart that our CED department is tracking.”

London said he wanted to clarify that the cost was not directly tied to major developments like BlueOval SK in Hardin County and Nucor in Meade County.

“We have significant issues with our infrastructure all across the state that can’t keep up,” London said. “Now, has the BlueOval project as well as others moved that timeline up? That’s when we’re replacing it? Absolutely. That is absolutely fair, but at the end of the day, this is all spending that has to happen at some point to continue the growth that we have.”

London touched on some of the recent studies that LTADD has been a part of, including a look at the lack of available childcare in the area that shows more than 2,000 work-willing adults would be able to return to the workforce with an increase in available childcare services and a housing study that shows Hardin County is about 4,500 housing units short of current needs. A transportation study that is looking at possible public transportation options for Hardin and Meade counties should be completed by September. Those studies and more information can be found on the Lincoln Trail Area Development District website.

Court hears arguments for motion to dismiss filed by Steven Lawson

Crystal Rogers investigation suspect Steven Lawson was back in court Thursday as the court heard arguments on a motion to dismiss the charges against him. 

Steven Lawson faces charges of Conspiracy to Commit Murder and Tampering with Physical Evidence in connection with his involvement in the 2015 disappearance of Crystal Rogers, but Lawson’s defense attorney Ted Lavit has argued those charges should be dismissed based on promises of immunity made in exchange for Lawson’s cooperation with the investigation.

Lavit and Special Prosecutor Shane Young made their arguments to Nelson Circuit Court Judge Charles Simms III in a hearing Thursday.

Young said the immunity deal was contingent on Lawson being completely honest with investigators, but Young said inconsistencies in Lawson’s statements to law enforcement show that has not been the case. Young said Lawson has made conflicting statements on his relationship with Brooks Houck, his knowledge of Joseph Lawson’s use of his skid steer, and the involvement of Steven Lawson’s now-deceased ex-wife.

Lavit said that Lawson did everything that investigators had asked him to do, and many of the inconsistencies stem from pressure law enforcement was putting on Lawson. Lavit said Lawson’s testimony was obviously useful to the commonwealth because it was used to get grand jury indictments against Houck and Joseph Lawson.

Judge Simms said he would review the arguments and make a ruling soon. The next scheduled hearing in the case is set for July 8, when attorneys for Houck will argue against trying all three suspects in the same trial.

EHMS Beta Club brings home two national championships

The East Hardin Middle School Beta Club is returning from the National Beta Conference in Savannah, Georgia, with some hardware.

The Beta Club raked in 15 total awards recognizing placement in the top 10 in several competitions, and Beta Club sponsor and East Hardin art teacher Molly Hazle said one of the crowning achievements capped an effort the students put into the entire school year.

“Our biggest thing we do, where we have about 90 kids participating, is our very big Large Group Talent performing arts, and that’s supposed to showcase any kind of talent for singing, dancing, or speaking,” Hazle said. “We put on a show about BETA through the ages, and we just got national champions for that.”

The club also won the national championship for the solo/duo/trio competition.

Hazle said she is very proud of a well-deserving group of students.

“The last two years, Group Talent is what we pour our heart into the most, and we were national runner up two years in a row, so this is really rewarding for all of us,” Hazle said. “It was a long time coming. We really wanted that national title.”

The Beta Club asks students to strive for achievement in and out of the classroom.

“It is a service organization, but you also have to make certain grades to stay in,” Hazle said. “We ask our students to maintain all As and Bs throughout the year. They have to do 24 hours of service in their community throughout the year, and the four pillars are “achievement, character, leadership, and service,” so it is for students that embody all four of those pillars.”

Hazle said the club will take all students that are willing to put in the effort, and if interested in joining they can reach out once the new school year begins.