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Showtime with Scott 46

We start things with a movie that was due to open at theatres on March 13th, but on March 11th, the COVID-19 virus was declared a national pandemic, and then on March 13th, a national emergency was declared in the US but, now that movie has arrived on Blu-ray and DVD this week…it’s “The Hunt”. Other new Blu-ray and DVD releases include “Outback”. And here’s some light-hearted fun, it’s “Think Like a Dog”.

Movie theaters are now open, so check online or call to see what’s showing. New releases are due sometime in July.

Vacuuming Can Be Satisfying 6/12/20

Trisha’s daughter, McKenzie, was on the show today.  The Impossible Question talked about vacuuming the stairs being one of the worst household chores for some people.  McKenzie says vacuuming can be satisfying. 6/12/20

Faithful Friday – Neil Janes from Memorial United Methodist Church 6/12/20

Brian & Trisha talked with Pastor Neil Janes from Memorial United Methodist Church in Elizabethtown about how churches have dealt with the changes brought on by the quarantine regulations.  6/12/20