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5/20/2020- City of Elizabethtown relaxing some restrictions

As the state of Kentucky prepares to relax previously imposed restrictions on in-person dining and groups, so too are local municipalities. The City of Elizabethtown announced that, beginning tomorrow, recreational areas previously restricted will begin to reopen to the public. City park pavilions, as well as tennis courts, will reopen to the public with guidelines for use posted. Locations such as playgrounds, basketball courts, and soccer fields are still closed at this time.

5/20/2020- Grayson County Health Department distributing masks

Grayson County residents in need of masks have the opportunity to get some today, but supplies are limited. The Grayson County Health Department will be distributing cloth face masks today free of charge. The Department advises that masks will be given out on a first come, first serve basis, and to Grayson County residents only. Supplies will be distributed between 10 AM and noon central time today at the Health Department. The Health Department says social distancing guidelines will be required.

5/20/2020- Health Department Roundup for Thursday

Additional cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed by regional health departments. The Lincoln Trail District Health Department confirmed three additional cases of the virus in Hardin County, raising the district’s total number to 167. Seven individuals within the region have been hospitalized, 24 are in home isolation, and 132 have recovered from the virus. Grayson County Health Officials also confirmed two new cases on Wednesday, bringing the county’s total to 128.

5/20/2020- Radcliff man arrested for strangulation

A Radcliff man was arrested after he allegedly strangled his girlfriend. According to arrest citations, Marcel Ditto became engaged in an argument with his girlfriend on May 16th in Radcliff. When the victim attempted to leave the residence, Ditto allegedly grabbed her, not allowing her to leave. After a minor altercation, the victim attempted to call 911 when Ditto grabbed the phone and threw it across the apartment. Ditto allegedly began to punch and grab the victim’s neck, which resulted in the victim’s breathing becoming impaired. Ditto was arrested and charged with assault, unlawful imprisonment, and strangulation. He was lodged in the Hardin County Detention Center.

5/21/2020- Governor Beshear announces local government aid

In his evening press conference last night, Governor Andy Beshear announced that there are now 8,167 cases of COVID-19 in the Commonwealth. Of these cases, 166 were newly confirmed. It is believed that 2,919 Kentuckians have recovered from the virus, however there were ten new deaths announced on Wednesday, bringing the state’s total to 376. Governor Beshear announced a $300 million award to city and county governments as part of the CARES Act, which will serve to reimburse local governments for expenses gained in response to COVID-19. These can include PPE purchases, telework supplies, and payroll expenses for public health. The Governor expressed pride in the efforts of local governments, and thanked them for all the work they have done during this time. To apply, eligible local governments with related expenses from March 1st, 2020 to December 30th, 2020 must complete an application with expense documentation, which became available on the Department for Local Government’s website at 8 AM today. Funds will be allocated to city and county governments based on approximate population size as recorded in the most recent census data.