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Praise & Shine 25 – The Storms Of Life

How often have you experienced what feels like a terrible storm going on inside you, mentally, physically, and spiritually? Whether the storms of life are of our own making or the result of living in a broken world, our Father is greater. When we are being chased by storms, God alone is able to calm them—or to calm the storm within us.

Praise & Shine 24 – Asking God

A simple but heartfelt plea, it reminds us to stop complicating every prayer request, because God perfectly hears our righteous cries for help. Despite our own confusion and uncertainty, God hears and accepts the honest pleas of us, His children. He’s ready to hear us, especially when we need Him most.

Praise & Shine 23 – A Designed Deficiency

There’s a natural spring that rises on the east side of the city of Jerusalem. In ancient times it was the city’s only water supply and was located outside the walls. Thus it was the point of Jerusalem’s greatest vulnerability. The exposed spring meant that the city, otherwise impenetrable, could be forced to surrender if an attacker were to divert or dam the spring. God Himself “planned” the city of Jerusalem in such a way that its water supply was unprotected. The spring outside the wall was a constant reminder that the inhabitants of the city must depend solely on Him for their salvation. Can we then regard each limitation as a gift that reveals God as our strength?

Praise & Shine 22 – The Final Chapter

“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.” Revelation 22:13 ESV

For many writers, the opening is the most difficult part of the process. The same is true for artists, composers, and anyone involved in the creative process. Staring at blank pages or an empty canvas can be an intimidating experience.

At the same time, many creative minds have even greater difficulty finishing a project.

The Bible is filled with beginnings and endings.

Praise & Shine 21 – Joy To The World

Every year it seems that Christmas becomes more and more commercialized. Even in nations where the majority of people call themselves “Christian,” the season has become more about shopping than worshiping. The pressure to buy gifts and plan elaborate parties makes it increasingly difficult to stay focused on the real meaning of the holiday—the birth of Jesus, god’s only son, the savior of the world.