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Furever Friends 145

This week on Furever Friends we will meed Kiwi and Pete. We are also still looking for a new forever home for Edwina. 255 of the 258 animals featured on Furever Friends have found new forever homes. See all adoptable animals on Furever Friends is brought to you by Pet Supplies Plus on Town Drive in Elizabethtown. 

Praise & Shine 52: Sweeping Away Your Offenses

Alexa, Amazon’s voice-controlled device, has an interesting feature: it can erase everything you say. Whatever you’ve asked Alexa to do, whatever information you’ve asked Alexa to retrieve, one simple sentence, such as “Delete everything I said today”, sweeps it all clean, as if it never happened. It’s too bad that the rest of our life doesn’t have this capability. Every misspoken word, every disgraceful act, every moment we wish we could erase—we would just speak the command, and the entire mess would disappear.

There is good news, though. God does offer each of us a clean start. Only, He goes far deeper than merely deleting our mistakes or bad behavior. God provides redemption, a deep healing, that transforms us and makes us new.

Kelly Bush, E-town Independent Schools

This week we continue our talks with local superintendents about how a return to school looks for their school district. Zach Epperson speaks with the soon to be new superintendent of Elizabethtown Independent School District, Kelly Bush.