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Lawsons in court Thursday to talk joint trial, admission of police testimony

Steven Lawson and Joseph Lawson are scheduled to make appearances in court Thursday, with Steven Lawson’s attorney submitting an additional filing ahead of the hearing. 

The Lawsons and their attorneys will appear before Nelson Circuit Court Judge Charles Simms III for a status hearing regarding separate trials for the Lawsons and fellow suspect Brooks Houck

Special Prosecutor Shane Young filed a motion to join the trials of the three suspects in order to best present the argument to the jury that the three worked together to cover up crimes committed in the disappearance of Crystal Rogers. Attorneys for Houck objected to the motion to join as they say it would take away Houck’s ability to cross-examine Steven Lawson, and they say Lawson’s testimony was given in exchange for a promise of immunity.

At a previous hearing, Judge Simms said prior to ruling on the motion to join he wanted to know if Steven Lawson planned to waive evidentiary protection, which would allow the prosecution to include Lawson’s statements made during police interviews in the trial. In a response filed Wednesday, Lawson’s attorney Ted Lavit questions the need for Lawson to make a decision on waiving the protection this far ahead of trial and asks the judge to postpone the request. Lavit says if the judge wants an answer now, Lawson is not willing to waive the protection at this time.

Thursday’s hearing is scheduled for 1:30 p.m. in Nelson Circuit Court.

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