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Deadline to switch party affiliation ahead of May 2024 primary is December 31

A voter registration deadline for the May 2024 Primary Election is actually at the end of this month.

“December 31 is the deadline to change your party affiliation in order to vote in that party’s May primary election in 2024,” said Hardin County Clerk Brian D. Smith. “We’ve got a presidential election coming up. We’ve got other federal delegation elections coming up, so we encourage everybody to go to and double check their party affiliation and make sure it matches the way they plan on voting in the primary in May of 2024.”

By law, a voter registered as Democrat or Independent after December 31 may not vote in the Republican primary, and any voter registered Republican or Independent after December 31 may not vote in the Democratic primary. The law does not apply to new voter registrations made after the new year ahead of the primary registration deadline.

Smith also said Hardin County residents should remember that a statewide computer conversion will impact vehicle registration at the start of 2024.

“Vehicle registration of any kind will not be available from January 1 until at least January 9,” Smith said. “We ask for the patience of the public as we continue to make this conversion. Once we get this up and running, feel free to come in or call the county clerk’s office. We should be able to take care of you.”

Contact the Hardin County Clerk’s Office for assistance.

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