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First pediatric flu death in Kentucky reported

The Kentucky Department for Public Health on Friday announced the first pediatric death from influenza in the current respiratory virus season. The death comes a month after the first pediatric death from COVID-19 of the season. 

The KDPH says most influenza and COVID-19 infections result in mild illnesses, but hospitalizations and emergency department visits related to flu have been increasing across the state. Serious symptoms such as difficult or fast breathing, seizures, bluish lips or face, fever above 104 degrees, fever or cough that improves but then returns or gets worse, or the worsening of other medical conditions require medical attention.

The KDPH says influenza vaccination rates in the state have been declining, with less than 17 percent of Kentucky children receiving a flu shot this season and 2 percent receiving the updated COVID-19 vaccine. Lincoln Trail District Health Department Public Relations Officer Melissa Philips said last week when talking about the impact respiratory virus season has had on area school districts that vaccination is one of the main defenses against illness.

“If you haven’t gotten your COVID vaccination or your flu vaccination, it’s not too late to do that,” Phillips said. “If you are somebody who qualifies for RSV, that is also a disease that’s spread through respiratory means, so all of those vaccinations are a good means of prevention.”

Health officials also encourage good health habits to help prevent the spread of illness, including staying home when sick and proper and frequent hand washing.

“I know you hear that a lot, but it is the number one way to prevent illness, so if you are ill or someone else is in the home is ill, it’s that frequent hand washing anytime you blow your nose or sneeze or use the bathroom or prepare food, any of those ways that germs are spread,” Phillips said.

Contact your healthcare provider or your local health department office for vaccination information. The most current data on respiratory virus activity in Kentucky can be found on the Cabinet for Health and Family Services website.

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