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KFW advises outdoor enthusiasts to help control the spread of invasive aquatic species

Kentucky Fish and Wildlife is reminding outdoor enthusiasts to help maintain waterways across the commonwealth by keeping their gear and watercraft clean

KFW says more than 100 aquatic invasive species have been identified in Kentucky, which threatens native flora and fauna by introducing unchecked species with no natural predators or exposing native species to foreign pathogens.

Invasive species that have been identified already in Kentucky include various species of carp, zebra mussels, crayfish, and plants like curly pondweed and Eurasian watermilfoil.

Aquatic invasive species can be spread through sand, mud, dirt, and water, often hitching a ride on boats and gear. Folks participating in outdoor activity can help reduce the spread of invasive species by taking simple actions after visiting a body of water.

Clean your boat, equipment, or gear before you leave. Empty all water-containing devices. Allow boats and equipment to completely dry before visiting another body of water.

KFW is currently revising its State Aquatic Nuisance Species Plan, which outlines the high-priority invasive species and strategies to prevent their spread. Visit the Kentucky Fish and Wildlife website for more information.

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