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Community support allows Elizabethtown Independent Schools Summer Meals Program to resume

Elizabethtown Independent School District Director of Communications Chuck Jones says it wasn’t looking like the district’s Summer Meals Program would be able to take place, but then the community stepped up.

“We put out a thing that we may not be able to do it,” Jones said. “We kept looking at ways, and we just had a ton of people step up to volunteer and give their time and help us out and allow us to do this.”

Jones also said EIS Food Services Director Marty Adams never gave up on the program.

“She worked tirelessly to make sure that this was possible and she never quit, and that’s a big reason why our summer program is going to go on,” Jones said.

The program is open to all EIS students and runs today through July 26.

“They can come to Morningside Elementary, 7 to 8 a.m. for breakfast, and 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. for lunch, and that’s Monday through Friday,” Jones said.

EIS will also be offering lunches at several mobile locations. Times and sites can be found on the Elizabethtown Independent School District Facebook page. Contact EIS for more information.

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