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Elizabethtown High School senior receives appointment to U.S. Military Academy

Kentucky Second District Congressman Brett Guthrie is himself a graduate of West Point, so he said it was an honor to present Elizabethtown High School Senior Sydney Braeger Friday with her official appointment to the United States Military Academy.

Braeger said she is grateful for the opportunity and grateful for the people in her life.

“I wouldn’t be where I am right now without support from the school, support from my friends, and support from my family, and I’m so thankful,” Braeger said. “I’m so excited, but I could not be here if it wasn’t for everybody in this room, so thank you.”

Braeger said it wasn’t until she was recruited by West Point for swimming that she began to seriously consider the military academy.

“I’ve grown up around the Army, but I didn’t see myself in that role, and I realized that the service academy was somewhere where I could be around like-minded individuals, like-minded kids my age, young leaders, and people who are driven, and I get to swim while I’m there,” Braeger said.

Both of Nraeger’s parents, Ken and Dena, are West Point grads, and Braeger was actually born at West Point. Dena Braeger said as a mother she would have been happy for her daughter to go somewhere closer to home, but she said the opportunity is an exciting one

“When she decided to go to West Point, it was really a surprise to us as well,” Braeger said. “Obviously we’re really excited, and proud. As parents, it’s so different. As a woman I’m so excited for her because I know what lies ahead in the opportunities, and it is just a place like no other. It’s a challenge like nothing else.”

An appointment to the military academy requires a nomination from a member of congress. Guthrie said his appointment came in the mail while he was working at a convenience store, so he is happy to provide a little more ceremony for today’s cadets.

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