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Historic Downtown Elizabethtown Business Association looks to foster support and promotion

Several Elizabethtown businesses are forming an association to promote growth and support in the downtown area.

According to a release, the mission of the Historic Downtown Elizabethtown Business Association “is to foster success of businesses in the downtown area through local programming and marketing in effort to promote tourism and support the merchants in operation of their business.”

Association PResident Dana Garrett says downtown businesses are looking to pick up where the former Heritage Council left off when it dissolved during the COVID pandemic, but organizers want to extend efforts further.

“We realized with the growth that we’re seeing that if we really wanted to kind of bring it to the next level that we would need to have more of a formal organization,” Pyles said, “so over the last several months we’ve met to kind of see what that looks like, and then officially got the framework together to launch that this past month, and we’re ready to get other businesses on board and move forward to exciting things that I think will come from it.”

Garrett says she and other business owners frequently get asked by visitors about what is going on downtown, which is a motivating factor for the association’s initial actions.

“At first one of our main goals is to get the website that the Heritage Council started updated, create a map whether it whether you can access it online or have printable copies, so that way anyone who is downtown will know what all we offer, and then also continue on some events we’ve already started to help make them bigger and better and give people another reason to come downtown,” Garrett said.

The association will be open to all businesses located within the boundaries of the Hub. Any interested business owners are encouraged to attend the association’s official kickoff meeting Tuesday, August 15 at 7 p.m. at Waters Edge Winery.

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