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State Theater hosting Spooky Season Movie Series

October means it is spooky season, and the Historic State Theater hopes you’ll celebrate by coming out to their Spooky Season Movie Series this month.

The series kicks off on October 11 with The Ghost and Mr. Chicken, followed by the original Night of the Living Dead on October 12, Casper on October 18, Pet Sematery on October 19, Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride on October 25, and Child’s Play on October 26.

Each movie will get started at 7 p.m., with the theater and box office opening an hour prior. Tickets are $3 and concessions will be available.

For more information on the Spooky Season Movie Series and a full list of events happening at The State, visit

Lincoln birthplace hosting night sky viewing event

The Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historic Park invites you to join them for a look at the stars.

The park will host their Fall Night Sky Program at the Boyhood Home Unit at Knob Creek on Friday, October 11, from 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.

The tour will be conducted by Eastern Kentucky University Department of Physics, Geosciences, and Astronomy Professor Dr. Mark Pitts. Topics will include stars, planets, light pollution, and dark skies, and Pitts will demonstrate the workings of a telescope.

Admission to the event is free. Visitors are encouraged to bring a flashlight, bug spray, and a blanket or chair, and visitors should wear closed-toe shoes and weather-appropriate clothing.

Contact the historic park for more information, and stay tuned to the park’s social media sites for weather-related updates.

Hodgenville gearing up for Lincoln Days this weekend

Area residents are invited this weekend to visit what has been named by Kentucky Living as the best festival in Kentucky for four straight years.

The 53rd annual Lincoln Days Celebration will be held in the sixteenth president’s hometown of Hodgenville October 5 and 6.

Celebrating the life and legacy of Abraham Lincoln, Lincoln Days has experiences for young and old alike including food, vendors, live music, unique exhibits and displays, nationally-recognized contests, and one of the oldest continually held art shows in the state.

The festivities get started at 7:30 a.m. on October 5 with the Women’s Club of Hodgenville’s traditional country breakfast. Opening ceremonies will then be held on the main stage at Lincoln Square at 8 a.m.

Other events scheduled for Saturday include the cookie baking contest, the antique tractor show, the quilt show, pioneer games, the Lil’ Abe and Sarah family costume contest, the Abe and Mary Todd Lincoln look alike contests, the ice cream eating contest, the 5k and 10k, the Lincoln Days Parade, and live music including The Perfect Fit Band and The Monarchs.

Events for Sunday include the car show, the community worship service, and gospel music.

Visit for more information and a complete schedule of events.

Red Cross calls for blood donations amid shortage and hurricane response

The American Red Cross continues to urge eligible members of the public to donate blood products as the U.S. continues to deal with a national blood shortage.

According to the Red Cross, the organization experienced a significant shortfall in blood and platelet donations in August, which followed a July that saw a near 25 percent drop in the blood supply. The Red Cross says it must collect 10,000 additional blood products each week over the next month In order to meet the needs of hospitals and patients.

Further strain on the blood supply comes from natural disasters including Hurricane Helene, ahead of which the Red Cross sent hundreds of blood products from around the country to areas that were expected to be the most impacted by the storm. This can create additional strain on areas impacted by the blood shortage.

Donors of all blood types are encouraged to schedule donations, especially Type O blood donors and donors giving platelets. As a thank you, all who donate from October 1 through 20 will receive a $15 gift card.

Learn more and schedule a donation appointment by visiting, by downloading the Red Cross Blood Donor app, or by calling 1-800-RED-CROSS.

Work on KY 228 in Brandenburg delayed to this weekend

The remnants of Hurricane Helene delayed road work in Meade County.

Kentucky Transportation Cabinet District Four says the closure of KY 228/Battletown Road at the intersection with KY 313 in Brandenburg will now begin at 6 p.m. on Friday, October 4. The road is due to reopen at 6 a.m. Monday, October 7.

The KYTC says crews will begin replacing eastbound lane asphalt with a concrete inlay Friday evening. This work is designed to withstand torque and twisting produced by heavy vehicles that pull up to and out of the intersection. The inlay provides a long-term solution as maintenance crews have regularly used temporary measures to fill wheel ruttings.

The work has been planned for the weekend to minimize traffic impact. KY 228 will only be closed on the west side of KY 313. The Brandenburg side of the intersection will not be impacted.

Detour signs are in place to assist drivers. Use caution when approaching all work zones. Work is weather permitting. Follow KYTC District Four on social media for updates.