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Neary ready to get to work as E-Town recovery residence enforcement officer

Elizabethtown Recovery Residence Enforcement Officer David Neary says prior to the March 15 enforcement date of the city’s new Recovery Residence Certification Ordinance he is reaching out to the owners and operators of the facilities to let them know what to expect.

“I’ll get to meet the people who own and operate recovery residences and let them know ‘I’m not out to get you, I’m just here to enforce what the law says,’” Neary said.

In his new position, Neary will be tasked with checking in on the more than 150 recovery residences in Elizabethtown to ensure they are in compliance with the law, which the city drafted to match state regulations. Neary said these facilities have not been regulated before, and the new law ensures people entrusting their recovery to these facilities are not being taken advantage of.

“One of the things they taught me at Treatment Court is drug addiction is a lifetime treatment,” Neary said. “You never fully recover. It’s something you’re going to have to spend the rest of your life on, and we just want to make sure that people out there saying they’re trying to help these people are truly helping.”

Neary comes to the position after an extensive career in law enforcement, and those skills are likely to come in handy.

“I’m fully sworn, that way if I should uncover something when I’m inspecting I can act upon it,” Neary said. “I have all of the authority of any police officer in the city of Elizabethtown to do that.”

The full text of the ordinance can be found on the city’s website.

Fieldwork on Glendale Mobility Study projects due to begin soon

Engineering firm QK4 is expected to begin fieldwork soon in the area of the planned Northeast Glendale Connector and southern Interstate 65 interchange.

The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet says fieldworkers will be “collecting necessary data for design of the road and assessment of associated environmental impacts.” Fieldworkers will be doing land and geophysical surveying as well as geotechnical and environmental data collection. The initial phase of work is scheduled to begin as early as this month, with plans for the presentation of detailed alternatives for public input sometime in the spring.

KYTC District Four Public Information Officer Chris Jessie says the firm will be reaching out to property owners.

“The consultant heading up the work is going to contact each property owner where these folks will be directly working, making sure that they make every effort to get in touch with them ahead of time, so while those affected directly by these operations are being contacted personally we want to make sure there’s a public notice out there so that when motorists drive by or folks see these workers in the field they know what’s actually going on,” Jessie said.

The KYTC says the specific area where fieldworkers will be working does not necessarily indicate the final location of the proposed roadway.

Project details can be found at, and anybody with questions can contact Kevin Blain with the Department of Highways District Four Office in Elizabethtown at 270-766-5066.

E-Town Oh Snap! program hosting Valentine’s Day dance

The Elizabethtown Parks and Recreation Department’s Oh Snap! program will be hosting a Valentine’s dance Friday, February 9, from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Pritchard Community Center.

“That’s a new one that we’re adding into the mix this year,” said E-Town Parks and Rec Programs Coordinator Adam Case. “We think it will be good. We’ve done the Halloween dance the past three years and it has always had a good turnout, so I wanted to get another dance in there and talking with some of our original Oh Snap! members they said ‘why don’t you do a Valentine’s Day Dance?’ so that’s what we’re coming up with.”

The event will feature a DJ, food, and dancing, and Case said everybody should expect to have a good time.

Snap stands for Special Needs Activities and Programs. The program has a busy calendar planned for 2024.

“It’s a group for individuals with physical and cognitive disabilities in the community that allows them to participate in various activities and programs we host throughout the year through the Parks Department,” Case said.

Learn more about Oh Snap! and purchase tickets for the Valentine’s dance by calling the Pritchard Community Center at 270-765-5551 or go to the Parks and Rec page on the city’s website.

Meade County man arrested for murder among several sheriff’s office investigations

A Meade County man is in custody for murder.

The Meade County Sheriff’s Office says Derrick Ford of Battletown was arrested Thursday and charged with Murder following an investigation into the death of Crystal Fetch, Ford’s partner. Ford is lodged in the Meade County Detention Center and the investigation is ongoing.

Ford’s arrest was part of a series of investigations by the sheriff’s office last week. 

A joint investigation by the Meade County and Breckinridge County Sheriff’s offices along with the Greater Hardin County Narcotics Task Force led to a traffic stop on January 30 on the bypass just outside Brandenburg city limits. 

Officers searched the vehicle of Michael Heavrin, who is suspected of trafficking methamphetamine in the two counties. The search led to the seizure of heroin, marijuana, and about 43 grams of meth. Heavrin was placed under arrest and lodged in the Meade County Detention Center.

Officers also seized drugs and arrested a wanted fugitive during a search of a residence on Eagles Nest Drive Wednesday, a search of another residence on Wednesday, and a search of a residence and a traffic stop Thursday. The sheriff’s office says these operations led to the seizure of approximately six ounces of meth, six grams of heroin, 1.5 pounds of marijuana, a firearm, and several items of paraphernalia. 

The sheriff’s office says it will “continue to vigorously attempt to apprehend and prosecute all individuals involved in the trafficking of controlled substances.”

(Photo Credit: Meade County Detention Center)

Elizabethtown hires former EPD officer Neary as enforcement officer for recovery residences

As the city of Elizabethtown prepares to begin enforcement of its new recovery residence certification ordinance, the city has sworn in the person who will be tasked with keeping the facilities in check.

The city posted on the City of Elizabethtown Government Facebook page that former Elizabethtown Police Department Officer David Neary has been sworn in as the city’s Recovery Residence Enforcement Officer. Neary returns to service after retiring from the EPD in 2015.

Recovery residences must be in compliance with the city’s ordinance by March 15. Neary will be in charge of inspecting the facilities, of which there are more than 150 in the city. A first violation will result in a $500 per day fine, and a second violation increases the fine to $1,000 a day.

When discussing the ordinance with facility owners January 29, city attorney Ken Howard said the city is prepared to back up its new enforcement officer.

“The City of Elizabethtown is committed to its ordinance, and is committed to enforcing state law,” Howard said. “They have amended the budget last month, and have hired an individual on a full-time basis that will be the compliance officer for recovery residence law in the city of Elizabethtown.”

Elizabethtown Mayor Jeff Gregory said it is important for the city to get ready for enforcement quickly in order to prevent problems from developing later on.

“It’s not everybody, and we realize that,” Gregory said. “We know that, but there are some apples in the cart that, as you all know in any profession or anything that we do, spoil the whole bunch sometimes, so it was imperative that we look into what the issues were and try and put some kind of enforcement in place or certification, regulation in place so we could find out who is who” Gregory said.

The ordinance is available for viewing on the city’s website.