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Wear Your Mismatched Socks For World Down Syndrome Day 3/21

Tomorrow is World Down Syndrome Day and you can help spread awareness by wearing bright colored mismatched socks. “We hope you’ll rock your socks. That’s just going to bring awareness. People are going to be like, ‘Why are you wearing those socks?’ And then that opens up that conversation you can say, ‘I’m wearing them for my friends that have Down Syndrome,” shared Down Syndrome Association of the Heartland spokesperson Tonya House. The organization offers programs for all ages. “We have lots of family events, and then we have weekly programming such as music therapy, art classes, cooking classes and circle time for our younger ones. So we have lots of programs that we do throughout the month every month. And then, you know, our bigger events and quarterly events and things like that. We are (available) from your prenatal diagnosis to legacy.” To make a donation or more information, visit

Tourism Commission, City Council To Hold Joint Meeting To Discuss Development Issues

The Elizabethtown City Council and Elizabethtown Tourism and Convention Commission will be holding a joint meeting today at 2:00 PM. The meeting will be held at City Hall in the 3rd Floor Conference Room and the purpose of the meeting is to discuss development issues. The City Council will also be holding its regularly scheduled meeting at 4:30 PM where the Council will hear the first reading of the ordinance to discuss the proposed Entertainment Destination Center and the licensing which were presented last week during the work session meeting. The agenda also notes that a Special Meeting will be held on March 27. This was discussed briefly at the March 14 work session to get the second reading of the Entertainment Destination Center ordinance completed before April. Due to spring break, the meetings normally scheduled for the first two Mondays in April have been canceled which would have delayed the ordinance to mid April. The City Council and Tourism Commission want to submit the paperwork and begin the process of obtaining the license ahead of summer tourism events.

School Districts Publish Letter To Area Businesses About Preventing Vape Sales To Juveniles

Three area school districts have published a letter to businesses asking for assistance in keeping vape products out of the hands of minors. The superintendents of Hardin County School, Elizabethtown Independent Schools and Larue County Schools are asking that they consider moving vape related products behind a counter and to provide additional training to employees to keep vapes from being sold to juveniles. According to the statement, students have told school officials that they have been able to purchase vape products illegally from businesses in Hardin and Larue counties. Most vaping products are unregulated and dosage levels of chemicals in them are not precise. Vapes can also be lined with extremely dangerous drugs like Fentanyl. You can view the letter on the websites and Facebook pages for the districts. 

Young Elizabethtown Child Falls From Window, Mother Arrested

An Elizabethtown neighbor had to call 911 after a young child fell from a second story last night and a neighbor had to call 911 to get the child medical treatment. Elizabethtown Police Spokesperson Chris Denham stated, “Shortly before 8:00 PM Thursday night, we were called to a residence on Wingfield Court in  reference to the report that a small child had fallen from a second story window. At arrival,  responding officers found the home to be in deplorable condition. The investigation revealed that a two year old fell from the window and the child’s mother, Allie White, wasn’t even aware of the incident until being alerted by a neighbor. After finding out., White took the child back into the residence instead of contacting E.M.S. but did contact the child’s father, Matthew Norfleet. During an interview, White admitted to frequently locking the child in the second story bedroom, unattended, and knowing that the window was broken, giving the child the ability to open it. Allie White was arrested and charged with endangering the welfare of a minor as well as criminal abuse in the second degree. Norfleet was charged with endangering the welfare of a minor. The involved children were taken to a safe location following intervention from Child Protective Services.” The mother is being lodged in the Hardin County Detention Center. The investigation is ongoing. 

Glendale Train Derailment Updates

Work has continued overnight in Glendale at the site of the train derailment that occurred yesterday afternoon.“Crews are still on the scene at this time, still removing carts and laying new tracks down in downtown Glendale area. At this time, still the two main crossings are blocked in downtown Glendale although the Gilead Church Road crossing is open at this time. The goal was to try to get those crossings open by this afternoon at some point,” said Hardin County Emergency Management Director Joey Scott. The CSX train went into emergency to avoid colliding with a semi-truck and trailer stuck on the crossing on Gilead Church Road. Twenty-one rail cars were derailed. There were no hazardous materials involved. The investigation is on-going.

Previous story:
There was a train derailment in Glendale yesterday afternoon. An official statement from CSX Railroad hours after the accident sent to WQXE news shared the following: “ A CSX train went into emergency attempting to avoid a collision with a semi-truck and trailer stuck on the crossing. Preliminary reports indicate that 21 rail cars derailed as a result of that emergency action. No hazardous materials are involved.” According to an update from the Transportation Cabinet at 7:30 last night, the Gilead Church Road KY 1136 South opened back up. The KY 222 crossing would likely remain closed for several days. “Obviously the downtown crossing at 222 in Glendale. That’s going to be closed for a while. I can’t tell you what awhile means, but it’s not going to be a quick issue with that particular crossing. That’s where you know most of the mess is and cars overturned. All of that to 222 is going to be closed.” We will continue to update this story throughout the day.