The death of a teenager that resulted from a drug overdose has resulted in three arrests and is prompting area law enforcement to warn of drugs circulating in the community that have been laced with fentanyl.
The Elizabethtown Police Department stated in a press release that officers responded to an Elizabethtown residence just before 7 a.m. Wednesday regarding a death investigation. The EPD says it was determined that the victim, a 17-year-old male, had suffered a fatal drug overdose.
Officers investigating the incident were able to identify an individual suspected of distributing narcotics to the victim, and at around 9:30 a.m. Wednesday the suspect, a juvenile male, was taken into custody. The EPD says the juvenile suspect has been charged with First Degree Manslaughter, First Degree Trafficking in a Controlled Substance, and Trafficking in Marijuana, and will be lodged in a juvenile detention facility.
The EPD says two adults were also arrested Wednesday as part of the investigation. Damian Felker of Elizabethtown faces multiple charges including First Degree Trafficking in a Controlled Substance, and Brandon Durbin of Elizabethtown faces multiple charges including First Degree Possession of a Controlled Substance. They were both lodged in the Hardin County Detention Center.
During a press conference, EPD Public Information Officer Chris Denham said the overdose death is likely related to tablets that were designed to look like a prescription narcotic but are actually laced with fentanyl, and police believe more of these pills are currently on area streets.

“If you are using, abusing illegal drugs, you may think you’re ingesting a Percocet 30 when in reality you may be ingesting a clandestinely-made tablet that contains fentanyl,” Denham said.
Denham said area schools on Wednesday discussed the dangers of these drugs with students in grades six through 12, and officials are encouraging residents to have conversations with loved ones they suspect may be abusing drugs. Denham said in order to get the drugs off the street, those in possession may surrender them to law enforcement without fear of punishment.
“I’m asking you to proactively surrender these tablets so they can be properly disposed of,” Denham said. “Again, our goal is to not criminally charge anyone. If you’re a student at a school, you will not face any type of administrative discipline. We want to get these off of the streets so they do not cause any additional overdoses.”
If you have information on drug activity, you may submit an anonymous tip to Hardin County Crime Stoppers at 1-800-597-8123 or online at P3Tips.com.
Red Cross urges donors to give this holiday season; Pritchard Community Center blood drive Wednesday
The American Red Cross says the need for blood donors doesn’t take a Christmas break.
“Our cancer patients, there is a constant need for blood with cancer patients needing different blood products, and that’s why we encourage everybody, even if you’ve never donated before, to come out and donate and give something that doesn’t cost you anything that could help sustain a life of a patient in need,” said Red Cross Accounts Manager Tammy Ritchie.
Area residents have an opportunity to donate Wednesday on the local level.
“We’re having our blood drive at the Pritchard Community Center from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday,” Ritchie said. “We have a goal of 40 units right now. We need at least 25 more people to schedule appointments, which they can do at www.RedCrossBlood.org or call 1-800-RED-CROSS.”
The Red Cross says donating blood is a safe and simple process, and donors have a special incentive to donate Wednesday.
“As a way of saying thank you to anybody that comes out, they will receive our long-sleeved ‘snowmies’ t-shirt that is absolutely adorable,” Ritchie said. “Again, it’s a way of saying thank you from the Red Cross for coming out and supporting us during our hard season.”
Visit www.RedCrossBlood.org for more information.
The Radcliff City Council met for their final meeting of 2024 Tuesday evening.
The council approved an amendment to the city’s employee policies and procedures handbook.
“That was the discussion regarding the retirees and that they would be able to utilize our insurance but pay out of their own pocket to use the plan for the dental and vision,” said Radcliff Mayor JJ Duvall.
The first readings were held on ordinances that would annex 5800 South Wilson Road from the City of Elizabethtown and zone the property commercial. The first reading was also held on an ordinance that amends the city’s zoning ordinance and development regulations to match the city’s standards for recovery residences with tighter regulations made by the state.
The meeting was the final council meeting for outgoing Council Member Michelle Mitchell. Duvall said Mitchell will still be serving Radcliff when her time on council wraps up.
“She has been a great council member,” Duvall said. “I’ve of course known her for many years prior to working with her, but she’s been a joy to work with.” She’s going to be taking on a new role working as the RSBA, the Radcliff Small Business Alliance, president.”
Mitchell said she never had local politics in her plans, but she was grateful for the opportunity to serve a community she loves with council members she enjoyed working beside.
“They’ve been of great support, and this has been an amazing experience, and if you can get involved in any form or fashion in this community please do so because you can make a difference,” Mitchell said.
Following the meeting, newly- elected Council Member Maria Bell was sworn in for her term that begins January 1.
The Radcliff City Council will next meet January 13.
Area officials are warning residents of several ongoing scam attempts.
The Grayson County Chamber of Commerce says a chamber member received a phone call Tuesday from somebody posing as a chamber official. The caller asked the chamber member about purchasing advertising space for the “Leitchfield Junior Chamber.” Grayson County does not have a junior chamber, and the Chamber of Commerce says residents should not give any information over the phone and hang up if they receive such a phone call.
Meanwhile, the City of Elizabethtown says local businesses have reported receiving a phone call from somebody who says they are with “E-Town Utilities.” The scammer tells the person they are behind on utility payments and must pay via credit card over the phone or their gas will be turned off. The city’s utilities department does not make phone calls, and a caller can only pay their bill via phone by calling City Hall directly.
Never give out personal or financial information without confirming you are talking with a company or entity you mean to do business with. Never click the link in a suspicious text or email. If shopping online, check for a website on the Better Business Bureau’s Scam Tracker to confirm its legitimacy.