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Informational meeting on grief support groups this Saturday

Jerianne Strange, Tonya Wigglesworth, and Elaine Alicna each experienced their own type of loss, and Strange said they recognized that the kind of loss has an impact on the grieving process.

“It’s very different if you are grieving the loss of a friend, if you are grieving the loss of an adult child, if you are grieving a loss due to a death by suicide, so manner of death comes into it, the relationships come into it,” Strange said. 

The three are organizing grief support groups, and to gauge interest and see what kind of groups are needed they are hosting an informational meeting this weekend.

“Everybody’s invited,” Strange said. “It is open to the public. There is no charge, it is just informational.”

The informational meeting is Saturday, January 13 at 2 p.m. at the Central Kentucky Community Foundation building, located at 200 Jim Owen Drive in Elizabethtown.

The groups will meet twice a month for twelve weeks. Strange says the groups will have closed meetings with smaller numbers.

“We’ve set a limit of no more than 12 participants in any one group,” Strange said. “When you get any larger than that it’s not a good ‘feedback’ kind of environment, and so the whole purpose of the support nature of the group doesn’t quite work.”

SpringHaven Inc. seeks donations for shelter, raising awareness during Stalking Awareness Month

SpringHaven Inc. Executive Director Georgia Hensley says the domestic violence shelter is working as much as they can on getting stocked up.

“This is a really busy time of the year for us,” Hensley said. “We have actually been at capacity at shelter for the last several months, so we desperately need community support right now.”

Anybody looking to support the shelter can contact SpringHaven to make arrangements or get directions to drop off items on the current needs list: hair brushes, deodorant, styrofoam bowls, leggings, new bathroom towels, and planners.

SpringHaven is also getting the word out on Stalking Awareness Month. Hensley says the internet and social media make it easier for stalkers to find and communicate with victims, and people should recognize the behaviors  which can lead to further violence down the road.

“Repeated phone calls, repeated text messages,” Hensley said. “Asking that you share your location with your partner, romantic partner, friend, with your coworker even, asking that you share your location non-stop, that can be stalking. Showing up to your house uninvited.”

Follow SpringHaven Inc. on Facebook for more information. If you are in need of assistance, contact the SpringHaven Helpline at 270-769-1234.