The Hardin County Fiscal Court met for their first meeting of the month Tuesday.
Judge/Executive Keith Taul recognized Deputy Judge/Executive Vicki Meredith, who will retire from the position this Friday. Taul said Meredith agreed to come out of retirement for one year to help Taul as he took office, and she ended up staying a year and a half.
“Her background and all the projects, being a county engineer for 15 years, were invaluable to me as I was stepping into this position, so I just wanted to publicly say thank you very much Vicki for all that you’ve done,” Taul said.
Bonnie Ciresi will assume the deputy judge/executive position Monday.
Hardin County Emergency Management Director Joey Scott discussed the incidents county first responders assisted with recently. Scott also discussed the $43,000 underwater drone purchased by the Lincoln Trail Area Development District that will be housed in Hardin County.
“This thing is state of the art,” Scott said. “It actually has a grabber arm on it, so it can also be used for weapon retrieval for the sheriff’s office. It’s going to be a regional asset, so it can do water sampling. There’s just so much we can do with it.”
Hardin County Animal Care and Control Director Mike McNutt reported that the animal shelter adopted out 62 dogs, returned 24, and euthanized 9 in July. McNutt said the shelter continues to deal with capacity issues, including housing dogs related to a Radcliff court case.
“Anytime there’s a court case, animals are considered property, so we have to keep them and we have to keep them healthy, and they can’t be housed together so it takes up 15 of our available spots for big dogs,” McNutt said.
The Hardin County Fiscal Court will next meet August 27.
The American Red Cross says the country remains under an emergency blood shortage, with the national supply having fallen by more than 25 percent since July 1.
“The American Red Cross continues to stress that blood and platelets are critically needed right now to help support life-saving transfusions,” said American Red Cross Account Manager Tammy Ritchie. “Donors of all blood types are in demand, especially those with type O, and donors giving platelets.”
Several opportunities to donate are available, including this Thursday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Pritchard Community Center. Donors will be rewarded.
“The Red Cross is actually offering an incentive to all donors who come out and donate a $20 Amazon gift card as a way of saying thank you, but also to replenish the shelves that are in such desperate need of products,” Ritchie said.
The Red Cross says heat advisories combined with typical summer disruptions resulted in a shortfall of more than 19,000 donations in July. Learn more and schedule an appointment by downloading the Red Cross Blood Donor app, visiting www.redcrossblood.org, or by calling 1-800-RED-CROSS.
Today is the first day of classes at Elizabethtown Independent Schools.
“We’re really excited about the beginning of the school year,” said EIS Superintendent Paul Mullins. “Our teachers have been receiving some professional development, getting their classrooms ready, and our maintenance crew and our custodial staff have done a wonderful job this summer getting the school buildings ready to receive students, and we’re just looking forward to the beginning of the school year.”
Mullins said the first day is particularly special for him as he didn’t come aboard as superintendent last school year until classes were already under way.
“I didn’t get here last year until September, so I’m really excited to be here as the school year starts to see the schools and to meet all the students and parents, and this is when the excitement builds and we just get so excited and ready for students to walk through the doors and schools to get started,” Mullins said.
Mullins encourages any parents with questions or concerns to reach out to their child’s school, and said the district is ready for any first day challenges.
“We always ask for patience and grace as the school year begins,” Mullins said. “There’s always a few things you have to work through, and we’re so glad to have the Elizabethtown Independent School family. Panther Nation is one big family, and we will work together and get through anything, any bumps that we may come across, but as always it’s a great day to be an E-Town Panther.”
Visit Elizabethtown Independent Schools on their website or follow their Facebook page for information and updates.