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American Red Cross FDA Update on Blood Donor Eligibility

There is a great need for blood donations, and there is an opportunity for everyone to donate. A local blood drive will take place this Wednesday at the Pritchard Community Center from 12 to 5 p.m. While many who previously lived in Europe for a span of time have been deferred, Red Cross Has now implemented FDA updates.

“So if there was somebody over there that was in the army that have always been told they can”t donate, they can now,’ stated Account Manager Remy Kennedy. For questions concerning eligibility, visit

Walk to Fight Suicide at Central Hardin High School

In honor of September being Suicide Awareness month, an Out of the Darkness Walk will take place at Central Hardin High School in honor of all the lives lost to suicide. 

“The out of Darkness walks are a gathering place for people who have had suicide touch their life in some way. What I hope people see when they come to these walks is a bunch of people who are there for the same reason: to show everyone that they are not alone,” states organizer Jake Richardson.The walk will be held on September 25th on the track by the football field, with free registration starting at 9 a.m. For more information, visit

Heartland Adult Education Consortium: “Everyone Benefits from Adult Education”

This week is Adult Education and Family Literacy week.

Over 40 million adults in the U.S. cannot read above a 3rd grade level, but the Heartland Adult Education Consortium is working to change that.

“We are a vital contributor to the community. We offer more than just GED services, because many people need this for the workplace to improve their reading and math skills. We are located at the Elizabethtown Community and Technical College, in the OTB 300 building in room 310. We want to be available, because we want to find out how we can help you, and we structure your plan around what you need,” stated Heartland Adult Education Director, Diane Kelley. They offer both remote classes and one-on-one tutoring. They even offer the official GED test that can be taken in the comfort of your home. For more information, visit the Hardin/Larue U Facebook page.