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Nolin RECC Members Offer Money-Saving Tips For Winterizing the Home

As cooler temperatures move in, Sarah Fellows with Nolin Rural Electric Co-Op reminds homeowners to winterize their houses to avoid costly damage. “In the event of below-freezing temperatures, be sure to follow basic steps to keep your pipes from freezing like opening cabinet doors or keeping a small stream of water running at all times,” she said. 

When heating the home, cut down on the electric bill by monitoring thermostat settings. “For every degree that you turn down your thermostat, you save two to three percent off of your heating cost,” stated Meter and Power Use Controller Jason Mattingly. For more tips and information regarding winterizing the home, visit

Let Christmas Shine Fundraiser in Full Swing at Baptist Health Hardin

The Baptist Health Hardin Auxiliary has begun their annual Let Christmas Shine fundraiser. 

A table is set up in the main lobby of the hospital Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. “You buy a light. You can do a light for 5 dollars, a shrub, a spotlight, a strand of lights or a small tree. You can do that in memory of someone or in honor of someone. They are put on the shrubbery at the hospital and we light up Baptist Health Hardin,” noted Auxiliary member Pat Howell. All proceeds from this fundraiser are given as scholarships to students going into the medical field.

Feeding America Kentucky’s Heartland Organizes Virtual Drive

Throughout the month of November, Feeding America Kentucky’s Heartland is organizing a virtual food drive. Similar to online shopping, items can be selected via their website and shipped directly to the Feeding America warehouse. 

“We’re doing this because of the enormous need that we have seen over the past year. This Thanksgiving is projected to be one of the most expensive meals in the history of the holiday, and we want to help bridge the gap between those in need and those wanting to experience the holiday,” states Feeding America Volunteer Coordinator Kaitlyn Jackson. 

Donations are being accepted now through November 30th. To donate, visit

Domestic Dispute Leaves One Dead in Breckinridge County

A domestic argument left one dead and another injured in Breckinridge County. On October 20, 2021 around 6:52 a.m. CT, Kentucky State Police was notified by the Breckinridge County Sheriff’s Office requesting assistance in investigating a shooting that had occured at a residence near the 2000 block of Lonnie Haynes Road in Breckinridge County.

When troopers arrived on scene, they discovered Dennis Devers deceased outside of the residence. The preliminary investigation revealed that during a domestic argument, Amanda Devers had shot her husband multiple times. Amanda Devers had a single gunshot wound after she accidentally shot herself in the foot. She was transported to Baptist Health Hardin for treatment and was later released. She was charged with murder and lodged in the Breckinridge County Detention Center.

The investigation is ongoing by KSP Post 4 Detective Bryan Washer.