The U.S. Department of Treasury has approved Kentucky’s plan to invest more than $182 million to provide affordable broadband internet service at speeds of 100 Mbps to areas that currently have no internet service. According to a statement, the program aims to reach rural areas of the state that are hardest to serve. Areas that currently lack access to the internet at speeds of 25 Mbps will be next on the list. The funds are estimated to serve approximately 16 percent of locations still lacking high-speed internet access. Internet service providers funded by the program will participate in the Federal Communications Commission’s Affordable Connectivity Program which provides a $30 monthly subsidy for low-income families. For more information contact the Kentucky Office of Broadband Deployment.
Your source for local community news, weekdays at 6, 6:30, 7, 7:30, 8, 9 and Noon.
Winter weather could impact the area tonight into tomorrow. A winter weather advisory has been posted for the region starting at 7pm tonight until 1pm tomorrow. According to the National Weather Service Office in Louisville, mixed precipitation is expected with expected snow and sleet accumulations of up to a half inch and possible ice accumulations of a tenth of an inch or less. Slippery road conditions Including Black Ice Could Impact The Commute Tuesday morning so motorists are encouraged to allow extra time to travel starting tonight into the morning hours. To check Kentucky road conditions before heading out visit GoKY.Ky.Gov.
Kentucky State Police continue to search for an escaped Hart County inmate. Abdullah O. Qasem was assigned to a work release program at the Hart County Animal Shelter when he walked away just before 8:00 am Saturday morning. Qasem is described as a 29-year-old white male, about 6’2” and weighing about 250 lbs. Qasem was last seen wearing a green animal shelter hooded sweatshirt and blue jeans. More information, including a photo of Qasem, can be found on Trooper Priddy’s Facebook page.
Radcliff Mayor JJ Duvall will be hosting the 12th Annual Mayor’s Community Breakfast tomorrow. The community is invited to come to the Colvin Center starting at 9am to grab breakfast and meet with various elected officials. The entire breakfast is supported by local businesses, organization and community leaders. For more information visit the City of Radcliff Government Facebook page.
The Hardin County Public Library asks patrons to consider donating items to their “Warming Tree”. Donations of new or handmade scarves, hats, socks and mittens or gloves will help those who may be in need. The tree is part of the Library Lovers Month program for February at the library.