The Kentucky Division of Forestry is reminding citizens that the spring wildfire season is here. Restrictions went into effect on February 15 prohibiting burning within 150 feet of any woodland or brushland between the hours of 6:00 AM and 6:00 PM. Residents are urged to use caution when burning and to consider the safety of other people, property and the forest. March and April are typically the months with high occurrence of wildfires but the Division has already responded to over 100 wildland fires since the new year began. The majority of those fires have been the result of outdoor debris burning or arson. For more information, visit the Kentucky Firewise Program at
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I-65 Northbound at Glendale was shut down for several hours early Saturday morning. According to the Hardin County Sheriff’s Office, a tractor trailer hauling diesel leaked fuel onto the roadway following the accident. The cleanup was hampered by the cold surface and air temperatures. The roadway was able to reopen at 10 am.
The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet will be replacing drainage pipes along a Grayson County road next week. Transportation Cabinet maintenance crews will be working along a section of KY 736 also known as Cave Creek Road between Cave Creek Lane and KY 110 Bluebird Road. “We try to do a lot of this work in segments where if we have to disturb a road, that we do it all kind of in one package. So that’s what we’re doing (this week there) with this particular section of road,” said Transportation Cabinet Spokesperson Chris Jessie. Closures are scheduled to start on Monday and run through Thursday between the hours of 8:00 AM and 2:00 PM on those days. Local access will be maintained from each respective end of the pipe replacement. Of course weather could alter the work schedule so those who travel through the area are encouraged to monitor Transportation Cabinet District 4 social media for updates.
The Elizabethtown Community and Technical College’s nursing program has received a state of the art labor and delivery training mannequin. The mannequin named Victoria is able to simulate up to nine true-to-life labor and delivery experiences so students can develop skills needed to provide safe effective care for early pregnancy complications, high-risk deliveries and more. Victoria and her baby allow for simulation so students can make mistakes without hurting anyone and be able to learn from those mistakes. Victoria also can help train respiratory care students with breath and cardiac rhythms, intubation scenarios and airway sounds synchronized to breathing patterns. The Kentucky Healthcare Workforce Collaborative provided funding for the mannequin as well as other funding for the college’s Innovation in Healthcare Initiative.
The Elizabethtown Police Department is reminding citizens of safety tips following reports in nearby counties of items being stolen out of cars while victim’s are pumping gas. “In neighboring counties, citizens are being victimized by thieves entering the victim’s vehicle as they pump gas at a convenience store. As a reminder, always be aware of your surroundings and never leave valuables such as purses or handbags inside of your vehicle, even while pumping gas or making a quick trip into the store. Also as another veil of protection, I would encourage motorists to lock their car doors, even if they are standing beside it while pumping gas,” said spokesperson Chris Denham. Victims at the same convenience store in Louisville all had items taken from their cars while they were standing next to the vehicle pumping fuel.