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Meade County Water District asking customers to limit water use

The Meade County Water District sent out a request to customers to help conserve water this week as increased demand due to the hot and dry weather has put increased stress on the district’s distribution system.

“We have a maximum pumping capacity of about 1.3 million gallons per day, and our demand is at about 1.3 million gallons per day, so we’re kind of teetering a little bit there,” said Meade County Water Conservation District General Manager Brett Pyles. 

Pyles said the water district’s goal is to increase capacity to 4 million gallons, but it will involve significant work and time.

“We have several projects in the queue to correct this issue, because I’ve been there a little over two years and this has been an issue since I got there, so we started planning right then but as with most large construction projects like ours, nothing’s quick, nothing’s easy,” Pyles said. “We have to jump through regulatory hoops. We have to secure funding. We have to do all kinds of things.”

Pyles thanked Hardin County Water District No. One for providing support, and thanked the water district’s customers. He says their efforts are already evident.

“Our tanks are in much better shape,” Pyles said. “We’re able to keep up. Just don’t use water to water the lawn or let the kids play in the backyard or what have you. If they can do that and just keep it to what they need water for to live, we’ll be in great shape.”

The water district hopes to have the first of its upcoming improvement projects, a new upsized transmission line from the Flaherty water tank to the Garrett water tank, out for bid by the end of July.

Follow the Meade County Water District Facebook page for more information.

KY 480 closed Thursday and Friday in Bullitt county

The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet is alerting motorists to a road closing in Bullitt County. 

Kentucky Route 480 or Cedar Grove Road will be closed from near County Road 1634 to near Woodsdale Road. The road will be closed from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday and Friday as crews work to replace cross drains along the route.

Kentucky Transportation Cabinet District Three says following the cross drain replacement, crews will place a dense-grade rock layer over the drains until asphalt can be laid. Drivers should use caution when driving over the cross drains.

Meanwhile, KYTC District Four says work has been completed on the westbound lanes of Kentucky Route 218 in downtown Horse Cave, but now the eastbound lanes are closed and eastbound traffic must detour as the work shifts.

Motorists should follow all detours around affected areas and use caution when approaching work zones. Follow KYTC District Three and Four social media for project updates.

NWS says heat not leaving the forecast for some time

Chief Meteorologist Brian Schoettmer with the National Weather Service in Louisville says temperatures will remain above typical June averages for some time.

“So it looks like a fairly prolonged period of above normal temperatures,” Schoettmer said. “Normal for areas around Louisville this time of year would be 86 degrees, and we’re expecting basically all week and into the weekend highs, a lot of them, in the mid 90s, and then as we get late week/into the weekend we might even see more upper 90s temperatures.”

Schoettmer says temperatures are expected to come down a little on Sunday or Monday as a cooler front works its way through, but that will only pull things from the upper 80s to the lower 80s.

“The one good thing about all this is while the temperatures are going to be pretty high, overall the humidity isn’t going to be as bad as it could be,” Schoettmer said. “For instance, our dew points are only going to be in the mid-60s, so that’s going to keep our heat indices mostly in the 95 to 100 degree range, so really not that much different than our temperatures.”

Schoettmer says with the extended period of heat, be sure to use caution when working outside, and be sure to keep an eye on others.

“Wear light and loose fitting clothing,” Schoettmer said. “Obviously drink plenty of water. Also, make sure you check up on neighbors, especially if you have an elderly neighbor, make sure that they’ve got their air conditioning and that they’re handling the heat okay. Another thing we like to caution folks is make sure you remember to check the back seat.”

Visit the National Weather Service in Louisville on the web for more information on current conditions.

Radcliff City Council approves 2024-2025 budget

The Radcliff City Council met for a regular meeting Tuesday.

The council approved the 2024-2025 city budget ordinances on their second readings.

“That is our last and second reading of the budget, so thank you all so much,” said Radcliff Mayor JJ Duvall. “That is our 2024-2025 budget, so thank you all for your hard work and hopefully there’s some things in there we’ll be able to get done this year.”

The total budget is valued at about $17 million. 

Total resources available in the budget show:
-General Fund: $16,407,100
-Road LGEA Funds: $542,000 
-Stormwater Utility Fund $1,334,000

Total appropriations in the budget show: 
-General Fund $16,407,100 
-Road LGEA Funds: $542,000
-Stormwater Utility Fund: $1,334,000

The council also held the first reading on an ordinance that rezones 155 Morgan Street from R-7 to Planned Unit Development Zone, which will accommodate the conversion of a former trailer park to 19 single-family housing units.

City engineering firm QK4 presented a review of the city’s community rating system progress report, which fulfills requirements for the city concerning federal floodplain standards and qualifies Radcliff residents for discounts on flood insurance coverage. QK4 says the city maintained the same values from last year, so no changes to the city’s rating are expected.

The Radcliff City Council will next meet July 8.

Summer fun on the schedule at the 2024 Breckinridge County Fair

Great events, exciting rides, entertaining shows, and delicious food await you at the fairgrounds in Hardinsburg as the 2024 Breckinridge County Fair gets officially underway Wednesday.

“We’re really looking forward to it,” said Breckinridge County Fair Chairman Jacyln Walden. “We’re going to have a great week. The weather looks a little warm but, overall, perfect for a county fair. We’ve got our carnival setting up right now. We’ve got our shows pulling in and getting set up, and I think we’re going to have a really good week.”

4H participants will be showcasing their hard work in the livestock shows, with cows and goats featured Wednesday night and swine and sheep Thursday. The youth premium livestock auction will be held Thursday evening.

Each night features annual fair staples at the arena and special performances at the main pavilion.

“Our main event Wednesday night, we have the horse show,” Walden said. “Thursday and Friday are both demolition derbies with different classes each night, and Saturday is our truck and tractor pull put on by KTPA.”

Walden says the fair has lots of events for everyone to enjoy.

“There’s several free events for the kids to participate in,” Walden said. “We’re really looking forward to watching our kids in the livestock auction, all the hard work and stuff that they’ve put in throughout the year. It’s just a time to celebrate all the things of Breckinridge County and to really showcase our kids and our local participants, and really just have a good time.”

The annual fair pageants were held earlier this week. Scarlett Fuller was crowned Miss Pre-Teen Breckinridge County Fair, Bella Franklin was crowned Miss Teen Breckinridge County Fair, Keiley Johnson was crowned Miss Breckinridge County Fair, and Rachel Graves was crowned Ms./Mrs. Breckinridge County Fair.

Fair admission is $10 on Wednesday and Thursday, and $15 on Friday and Saturday. Visit the Breckinridge County Fair Facebook page or website for a complete schedule of events.