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Meade Co. Sheriff sets up satellite office to offset COVID capacity issues

The Meade County Sheriff’s Office has opened a satellite office in order to better serve the public due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Sheriff Phillip Wimpee says that the courthouse did not give sufficient room for social distancing.

The office, located at the Meade County Fairgrounds, is open Monday thru Friday, from 8 am to 4 :30 pm, except on Thursday when it is open from 8 am to 6 pm. Any questions regarding the satellite office can be directed to the Meade County Sheriff’s Office.

Salary increase for next E’town mayor approved

The Elizabethtown City Council officially voted last night to increase the annual compensation for the mayor. That is, in 2 years. The council passed an order to set the mayor’s annual salary at the highest allowed by the Department of Local Government for Fiscal Year 2022. Councilman Marty Fulkerson previously stated that the increase has been some time in the making.

The order was one of the last major pieces of business the council voted on this term.