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Elizabethtown Awarded Federal Grant For Study Of Sidewalks, Bike Lanes and More

Last week the US Department of Transportation announced that Kentucky would receive $25 million as part of the federal Safe Streets and Roads for All grant. The City of Elizabethtown will be receiving $200,000 of that money to conduct a study to assess the needs of the community. “Melissa Nepi writes our grants for the city. She applied for a Federal Grant and it’s called Safer Streets. Currently we have been awarded $200,000 and that $200,000 is to take a look at the city and look around different locations at things that we may need – like sidewalks in certain places, bike lanes or street widening. Anything that could make our streets safer. So we’ve been granted $200,000 to do the study. The hope and the plan is as we do our study and show how we will utilize the money, that we will be awarded money every year to implement the plan,” says City Spokesperson Amy Inman. The Safe Streets and Roads Grant funds initiatives at the local and regional levels to prevent roadway injuries and deaths. 

Elizabethtown Parks and Recreation Adjusts Fee Schedules

The City of Elizabethtown City Council heard and approved a new fee schedule for the Parks and Recreation Facilities and Activities last night. “We did a study and looked at the current rates, when they were last put into place. Once we looked through and compared them to other municipalities in the area, what our operational costs are and what everything has gone to, we set them at a little bit higher rate than where they were previously. They’re very competitive and comparable to the other municipalities in the state of Kentucky, comparing them to the types of facilities that we have,” said Parks and Recreations Director Seth Breitner. More information can be found on the City of Elizabethtown website or app.