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December 9, 2019

Kentucky State Police Post 4 responded to a two-vehicle injury accident on Thursday night around 7:15 PM on Southbound 1-65 near Exit 94. For unknown reasons a driver crossed all three lanes of travel, and was stricken by a vehicle driven by Amy Kerrick of Indiana. The first driver was transferred to University of Louisville Hospital with life-threatening injuries. The wreck caused I-65 South to be shut down from Exit 102 to 94. Traffic was diverted to Exit 102 until the interstate was reopened around 10 PM.

A Radcliff man was arrested and charged with multiple offences early Friday morning after Hardin County Sheriff’s Deputies responded to a reported domestic call. According to an arrest report, 37-year-old Marcus Albritton attempted to strangle his girlfriend and threatened to beat her. He also went after the victim’s son as he was trying to call police. When officers arrived, Albritton attempted to flee in the victim’s truck and struck a tree. Officers reported smelling alcohol on Albritton as he exited the vehicle. He is charged with fleeing or evading police, operating a vehicle under the influence, assault, attempted escape, and terroristic threatening. He is being lodged in the Hardin County Detention Center.

Hardin County Farm Bureau received the 2019 Gold Star Award of Excellence for their achievements in their women’s program. The award was presented to them at the Kentucky Farm Bureau’s annual meeting in Louisville. This award honors the women’s committee’s participation in leadership development programs and agricultural promotion.

Community Health Clinic of Hardin & LaRue Counties

This week on Community Forum, Jake Richardson talks with Executive Director Becky Farris Allen with the Community Health Clinic. Becky explained that the clinic has been around for 17 years. They provide assistance to the working poor.