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Baptist Health Hardin hosting breast cancer and lymphedema benefit Thursday

Baptist Health Hardin invites the public to support cancer survivors and learn more about the hospital’s cancer services this Thursday from 5 to 8 p.m. at the hospital’s new medical pavilion. 

“The Perfectly Pink Pop-in Party is a fundraiser for patients with cancer,” said Baptist Health Vardin Vice President and Chief Development Officer Tracee Trout. “Specifically, the committee and the organizer of the event hope to raise money for lymphedema patients and lymphedema sleeves.”

Trout says the party is the brainchild of breast cancer survivor Laura Couch.

“She went through her cancer journey at Baptist Health Hardin and realized that lymphedema sleeves are sometimes expensive and oftentimes not covered by insurance, and so she wanted to organize something to help patients with cancer have an easier journey,” Trout said.

The party will benefit the Baptist Health Foundation and their support of cancer and lymphedema patients. Tours of the new cancer center will be available.

“There will be food and beverages available for purchase,” Trout said. “There are live auction items and a lot of information and education about cancer care and about lymphedema specifically, but it’s a fun ‘come and go party,’ and most importantly it is a chance for people to see our new cancer care center for the first time.”

All are welcome to attend the Perfectly Pink Pop-In Party, but pre-registration is requested. Visit to sign up and purchase food, drinks, and other items in advance.

Registration deadline for November 5 election approaching

The absentee ballot request portal is active for Kentucky voters, and voters have one more week to register ahead of the November 5 general election.

“The deadline to register to vote is 4 p.m. on October 7,” said Hardin County Clerk Brian D. Smith. “You can do that by coming by our office or visiting The absentee request portal is open at that same website,, or you can come by our office or you can call our election staff at 270-765-6762.”

Voters should also be wary of the potential for scams as they go online for election information.

“There are a lot of third-party websites that look very official,” Smith said. “They’re run by private organizations or purported non-profit organizations. They cannot request your absentee ballot. You cannot request an absentee ballot through them. They’re collecting your name, your address, your Social Security number, and your birth date, and we don’t know what they’re doing with them.”

Smith says official election information would never come from a .com or a .org website. Contact your county clerk’s office for more election information.

Free shredding event for Hardin County residents Tuesday

Hardin County residents can safely dispose of sensitive documents at the Hardin County Solid Waste Department’s free document shredding event Tuesday.

Residents can pick up their free shredding bag at the Public Works Office, located in Suite 223 in the Hardin County Government Center at 150 North Provident Way in Elizabethtown. The limit is one bag per household.

After you fill your shredding bag, take it to the Hardin County Road Department, located at 501 Bacon Creek Road, from 1 to 2 p.m. Tuesday.

Additionally, due to planned construction at the Ring Road location, the Hardin County recycling trailer located behind the Elizabethtown Lions Club building will be moved to 822 North Mulberry Street. The solid waste department says a permanent location for the trailer is still being discussed, but it will be at the Mulberry Street location at least through the end of the year.

Contact the solid waste department for more information at 270-360-9207.

Heartland Harvest Festival cancelled due to weather; concert, pickleball tournament rescheduled

Elizabethtown Events Manager Beth Pyles said due to unsafe weather conditions resulting from the remnants of Hurricane Helene, the city has reluctantly chosen to cancel the Heartland Harvest Festival.

“The cancellation includes the crafted commercial vendors, the food vendors, the kids zone activities, the petting zoo, and the concert scheduled for downtown,” Pyles said. It also includes the Heartland Harvest Festival 5K Run/Walk at the nature park, the fishing derby at Freeman Lake Park, the Ron Thomas Memorial Fishing Tournament at Freeman Lake Park, and unfortunately the Great Pumpkin Battle decorating contest.”

Pyles said one event will still be happening Saturday.

“The Women’s Club of Elizabethtown will still have their Heartland Harvest Breakfast at Pritchard Community Center tomorrow morning,” Pyles said. “That’s from 8 to 11 a.m. They have dine-in, carry-out, and drive-thru. You can purchase tickets online and I think they’re taking them at the door still.”

The city was able to announce at least one bright side. The concert featuring country artists J.D. Shelburne and Craig Morgan has been rescheduled for May 31, 2025. Additional details on the concert will be released at a later date. Follow the Elizabethtown City Events Facebook page or visit for more information.

Additionally, the Elizabethtown Pickleball Commission rescheduled their pickleball open tournament to Saturday, October 5. Registration has re-opened for the tournament through Wednesday night, with a link available on the commission’s Facebook page.

Unemployment rates across Kentucky up in August from last year

While unemployment rates across the Lincoln Trail District saw slight increases in August 2024 compared to the year prior, the rates across the district are down from the month prior. 

The Kentucky Center for Labor Statistics says unemployment rates increased in all 120 counties in the commonwealth from August 2023 to August 2024.

The state unemployment average for August was reported at 5.1 percent, down some from the 5.4 percent average reported in July and up from the 4.1 percent average reported in August 2023. Four counties in the Lincoln Trail District had rates higher than the state average and three counties had rates lower than the state average.

Hardin County’s unemployment rate for August 2024 tied the state average at 5.1 percent. Hardin’s rate is a slight decrease from July 2024 when the rate was 5.4 percent and an increase from the 4 percent rate reported in August 2023.

Breckinridge and Grayson counties tied for the highest unemployment rate in the district for August at 5.7 percent, while Nelson County had the lowest at 4.3 percent.

More information on how the unemployment rate is calculated and more data is available at