The deadline to purchase tickets is this Friday for the Brown-Pusey House’s Roaring 20s Bash, to be held September 9.
“We’re going to have a jazz band, we’re going to do Charleston lessons, and we’re going to have a 20s costume contest, so everyone can dress up or you don’t have to, whichever you prefer,” says Brown-Pusey House board member Carolyn Ritchie. “We’re going to have a silent auction, a photo booth, and a table decorating contest if people want to do that, and just all kinds of fun going back into the 20s.”
In addition to being a fundraiser, the event is part of a larger celebration for the historic property.
“It’s one of our centennial events,” says Ritchie. “This is our 100th year since we were turned over to the community in 1923, so this is one of our events for the 1920s.”
The house itself will celebrate its 200th birthday in 2025, and Ritchie says as the Brown-Pusey House looks ahead towards its third century it maintains a busy social calendar.
“We have things going on here at the house all of the time,” says Ritchie. “We’re a wedding venue, there are opportunities here for anyone that wants to get married in our beautiful garden and make use of the house. We have a museum, and we are also a great genealogy library here at the house if anyone wants to look up genealogy from Hardin County or the state.”
Tickets to the September 9 event are $50 each. They can be purchased in person at the Brown-Pusey House, online at www.brownpuseyhouse.org, or by calling 270-765-2515.
Elizabethtown Community and Technical College will host dual credit information events for area school districts during September.
ECTC says Dual Credit Nights are an opportunity for parents and students to learn all the aspects of dual credit at the college such as classes offered, billing and scholarships, and resources available. Current and future dual credit students are welcome to attend with their parents or guardians.
The scheduled Dual Credit Nights are:
- Elizabethtown Independent Schools – Sept. 5, 5-7 p.m., James S. Owen Building
- Meade County Schools, Sept. 18, 5-7 p.m., Meade County College and Career Center
- Hardin County Schools, Sept. 19, 5-7 p.m., Regional Postsecondary Center
- Washington County Schools, Sept. 20, 5-6:30 p.m., Springfield Campus
- Grayson County Schools, Sept. 26, 4:30-6:30 p.m., Leitchfield Campus
- Nelson County Schools, Sept. 28, 5-7 p.m., James S. Owen Building
Space is limited, and students must register for the event in advance at www.ectc.us/dual-credit-nights.