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McNutt credits Animal Achievement Award to team and community supporting Hardin County Animal Shelter

When Hardin County Animal Care and Control Director Mike McNutt was presented with the 2023 Achievement for Animals Award at the Kentucky Animal Welfare Summit in Frankfort Friday, he said the award was just as much a testament to his team at the Hardin County Animal Shelter and the people who call Hardin County home.

“The community’s got to be on board, and there’s a few naysayers out there who, quite frankly, just are uneducated about the problems and are listening to the wrong people, but for the most part this community is the big reason for the success of this shelter, not to mention the support we get from Hardin County Government,” McNutt said.

McNutt has been involved in animal care for more than 35 years, serving in his current position since 2016. Humane Society of the United States Kentucky State Director Todd Blevins said during the summit that McNutt and the shelter’s efforts are evident beyond Hardin County.

“In that time, Mike has made Hardin County one of the premier shelters in the state,” Blevins said. “In the truest sense of the word, they are one of our leaders in this state, and that’s thanks to his leadership, but he hasn’t stopped there. He’s branched out to surrounding counties in his area, and I believe some of those individuals are here today, too, which I think is a testament to Mike’s leadership in the entire region and indeed in the entire state.

McNutt said the shelter has a multi-year streak of achieving No-Kill status going, and the experience of the staff has allowed the shelter to focus on fixing problems animal shelters have faced in the past.

“Now we know where we’ve always been doing it wrong, that making a place that accepts animals 24/7 made the animals disposable, like trash,” McNutt said. “That is not acceptable today. We pick up animals when we do, the timeframe that we do, because it’s all part of a plan to fix the problem, to fix what’s broken.”

McNutt said support for the shelter was evidenced by Elizabethtown City Council Member Julia Springsteen and Hardin County Judge-Executive Keith Taul attending the summit.

Find the Hardin County Animal Shelter on Facebook for more information and to follow along with the shelter’s activities.

(Photo Credit: Mike McNutt)

E-Town Planning Department still collecting survey responses for Safe Streets for All action plan

The City of Elizabethtown is still collecting community input on the city’s “Vision Zero” Transportation Safety Action Plan.

City Director of Planning and Development Joe Reverman said public input is part of the creation of the action plan laid out by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Safe Streets for All Program.

“The action plan is a public plan, it’s a plan for the public to use public funds and things like that, so we need to know what the public has to say about the safety plans and what roadways need improvements, and include that information as part of the action plan,” Reverman said.

The city received a $200,000 grant through the program to conduct engineering work related to developing the plan, and the plan will help the city as they try to secure additional funding through the program for road safety improvement projects.

“It’s a process where we’re gathering data, getting input from the public, and the goal is by summer to have this action plan developed so that by the fall of next year we can apply for future grants,” Reverman said.

The impact of recent efforts to improve safety can be seen in the data collected for the plan so far.

“Since 2022, the R-cuts on Dixie Highway and the roundabouts, they’ve already seen a reduction in accidents and likely lives that have been saved from those improvements,” Reverman said.

The public can view that data and provide their input on the safety action plan by looking for the Safe Streets for All link on the Planning and Development page of the city’s website.