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Showtime With Scott 33

Heading into the weekend, we’re ready for more new movies! Starting with “Bloodshot”. Up next is “My Spy”. Also opening this weekend is an inspiring movie of faith, “I Still Believe”,

Blu-rays and DVD’s out this week include “Spies In Disguise”, “Bombshell”, Charlie’s Angels, and “Uncut Gems”.

Let’s movie!


Crime Stoppers 31

This week we are seeking the public’s assistance in locating Brant Sheckles. Mr. Sheckles is a 30 year old black male with a last know address in Bradstown Kentucky. Anyone with any information on Mr. Sheckles whereabouts is asked to call Hardin County Crime Stoppers at 1-800-597-8123. And remember it doesn’t have to be related to this specific case. If you are aware of any crime happening in Hardin County, you can anonymously report that to Hardin County Crime Stoppers. If your tip leads to an arrest, you could be eligible for a cash reward of up top $1000.

Furever Friends 125

The week on Furever Friends we meet Ragnar and DeeDee. Furever Friends has been finding cats and dogs new furever homes since 2017. We have featured 250 animals and we have adopted 250 animals! Furever Friends is brought to you by Pet Supplies Plus on Towne Drive in Elizabethtown. 


Heather Jones St. Baldricks

Heather Jones organizer for St. Baldrick’s talks about all the upcoming events including the Downtown Shavedown. You can be a hero for kids with cancer! Whether you decide to shave your head, volunteer, or donate, you’ll be giving hope to infants, children, teens and young adults fighting childhood cancers! The Downtown Shavedown is March 21st from 4 to 6:30 pm at The Historic State Theater Complex in downtown Elizabethtown.