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Praise & Shine: Fighting Life’s Dragons

Have you ever fought a dragon? “Dragons” are the supersized dangers and frailties of life that we’re inadequate to fight alone.

But in those battles, we have a champion. Not a fairy tale champion—the ultimate champion who has fought on our behalf and conquered the dragons that seek to destroy us.

What “dragons” are you facing in life? How can Christ’s victory on the cross provide encouragement as you deal with them?

Mindful Minute: Light In The Darkness

It seems that we live in dark times. Everywhere we look there is worry, fear, and sadness. There is a lack of joy and piece. There is a real fear of the unknown. If we let it, this darkness will overtake us, but it doesn’t have to be this way.

Showtime with Scott 64

Frightful fun just in time for Halloween weekend!  At theaters now is “Come Play”. 

Also in select theaters now is the original 1978 John Carpenter horror classic “Halloween”, starring Donald Pleasence, and Jamie Lee Curtis in her big screen debut.

Also showing is the direct sequel from 2018 with the same title – “Halloween”, which picks up 40 years after the events of the original film.

New DVD and Blu-ray releases include “Friendsgiving”. 

Also on Blu-ray and DVD is “Attack of the Unknown”. 

And don’t forget tonight at 7 at The State Theater is the Don Knotts classic “The Ghost & Mr. Chicken”.  Tickets are $3.  Visit

Happy Halloween!