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Signs You’re at a Bad Pizza Place // Adam in the Afternoon

Here are five signs you’re at a bad pizza place:  It’s super-cheap . . . the crust looks pale . . . they use flour that’s bleached or “bromated” . . . it caters to the “drunk food” crowd . . . and if their plain cheese slice sucks, toppings won’t help much.

Doesn’t Compare // Mindful Minute

Everywhere we turn we are constantly bombarded with images, advertisements, and videos of who we should be, how we should look, and what we should be doing. In our over socialize, photoshopped world, we are constantly comparing ourselves to unrealistic expectations.

In Galatians 6:4 we read “Let each one examine his own work. Then he can take pride in himself and not compare himself with someone else.”

“God has made us what we are. In Christ Jesus, God made us new people so that we would spend our lives doing the good things he had already planned for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10.

Instead of chasing unrealistic expectations, we should chase the one who made us who we are.

Top Ways People Treat Their Pets Like Kids // Adam in the Afternoon

Here are some of the top ways that people treat their PETS like their kids, according to a new survey:  Making sure they eat healthy and get enough exercise . . . creating a social media account for them . . . buying them presents . . . and wearing matching outfits with them.

Five Things That Make Moms The Most Disappointed // Adam in the Afternoon

Here’s what makes moms the most disappointed or annoyed on Mother’s Day, according to a new survey: Having to clean up after the party or meal . . . not being able to take a break from the everyday routine . . . and feeling exhausted at the end of the day.

Something New // Furever Friends #173

This week we learn more about the new way to donate to the Hardin County Animal Shelter as well as our weekly dose of cute and fluffy. We have been featuring cats and dogs looking for new homes since 2017! Furever Friends is brought to you by Pet Supplies Plus on Towne Drive in Elizabethtown.

See all adoptable pets on Pet Finder:
Adoption application:
Donate directly to the shelter: