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Law enforcement agencies reminding Kentuckians to celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day responsibly

Area law enforcement agencies are reminding Kentuckians to celebrate responsibly as they don their green and head out to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day.

The Kentucky State Police is participating in Operation CARE now through March 17. Short for Crash Awareness Reduction Effort, this national enforcement initiative from the International Association of Chiefs will feature increased patrols and a focus on traffic violations such as impaired or distracted driving, speeding, and failure to wear a seatbelt.

The most important thing drivers can do if alcohol is involved is plan ahead.

“If you’re planning to drink, also have a plan to get home safely,” said Elizabethtown Police Department Public Information Officer Chris Denham. “Never get behind the wheel of a car after you’ve been drinking. It’s not just about getting arrested, getting a DUI, or spending the night in jail. It could cost you or someone else their lives. Please make responsible choices and get home safely.”

Drivers should also remember to buckle up, drive distraction free, and watch for pedestrians. If you see someone driving recklessly or appearing impaired, report it to local law enforcement or the KSP.

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