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Fieldwork on Glendale Mobility Study projects due to begin soon

Engineering firm QK4 is expected to begin fieldwork soon in the area of the planned Northeast Glendale Connector and southern Interstate 65 interchange.

The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet says fieldworkers will be “collecting necessary data for design of the road and assessment of associated environmental impacts.” Fieldworkers will be doing land and geophysical surveying as well as geotechnical and environmental data collection. The initial phase of work is scheduled to begin as early as this month, with plans for the presentation of detailed alternatives for public input sometime in the spring.

KYTC District Four Public Information Officer Chris Jessie says the firm will be reaching out to property owners.

“The consultant heading up the work is going to contact each property owner where these folks will be directly working, making sure that they make every effort to get in touch with them ahead of time, so while those affected directly by these operations are being contacted personally we want to make sure there’s a public notice out there so that when motorists drive by or folks see these workers in the field they know what’s actually going on,” Jessie said.

The KYTC says the specific area where fieldworkers will be working does not necessarily indicate the final location of the proposed roadway.

Project details can be found at, and anybody with questions can contact Kevin Blain with the Department of Highways District Four Office in Elizabethtown at 270-766-5066.

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