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Hardin County Superintendent Morgan named Superintendent of the Year

An area school administrator is being recognized.

The Kentucky Association of School Administrators has named Hardin County Schools Superintendent Terrie Morgan as the 2024 Superintendent of the Year.

Morgan, who has been with HCS since 1989 and has been superintendent since 2016, was presented with the honor during the closing ceremonies of the KASA’s annual Leadership Institute.

Morgan said receiving the honor is “truly humbling.”

“I know at KASA you see and hear about all the great things going on in each individual district,” Morgan said. “For us to receive this knowing all of the great things that are happening across the state in public schools, it’s just humbling to receive this award.”

According to the KASA, the award recognizes and honor’s superintendents for the contributions they make every day advocating for public education, children, and the future. The award selection is based on a superintendent’s talent and vision in leadership for learning, communication, professionalism, and community involvement.

Morgan said the programming created by the HCS faculty and staff make it possible, along with strong community partners.

“We have such incredible community members who work with us to say ‘this is what our community is in need of, and this is how you can prepare students so that they can be very successful when they enter the workforce,’” Morgan said. “That doesn’t start in high school. That starts all the way back at those youngest years from preschool forward.”

As part of the award, a $5,000 scholarship will be awarded to a member of the Hardin County Schools Class of 2024, courtesy of American Fidelity Insurance Company.

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