Are you ready to spring forward? Daylight Savings Time begins at 2 a.m. this Sunday, March 9.
As you move the time ahead an hour on your clocks, now is a good time to check on smoke detectors.
“We always remind people if you have smoke alarms that require batteries to be changed, change those when you change your clocks,” said Radcliff Deputy Fire Marshal Tommy Crane. “While you’re changing your batteries, check those smoke alarms. Check the carbon monoxide detectors. Make sure they’re up to date. In smoke alarms, it’s 10 years or less, and then carbon monoxide detectors some of them it may be seven years, some of them it may be 10 years, so check the manufacturer there and make sure that you’re keeping those up to date and putting new ones in place when you need to. Make sure they’re working.”
Now is also a good time to review fire escape plans with your household.