Hardin County, in cooperation with the Kentucky Division of Waste Management, invites area residents to dispose of waste tires free of charge this week at the old Springfield Road landfill, located at 3870 Rucker Road in Elizabethtown.
“This one only comes around every three years, so it’s very, very important for you guys to get all those tires together and get them and bring them out to us because it’s free as long as you’re living in the state of Kentucky,” said Hardin County Director of Public Works Stephanie Givens. “This is not a county-wide event. This is a statewide event.”
Tires will be accepted on Thursday and Friday from 8 a.m. until 3 p.m. and Saturday from 8 a.m. until noon.
“I know some of the questions we’ve been getting here lately is, can we bring them if they’re on rims?” said Givens. “Yes, you can. You do not have to take the rims off, and now we won’t take the rims off for you and give them back to you, but you can bring them and we’ll take the whole thing.”
Tires that will not be accepted include foam filled, calcium filled, off-road construction, tracks or sheet rubber, solid with or without press on rims, and equipment tires with a bead greater than 1 and 3/4th of an inch.
“We’ll have a lot of people out there,” Givens said. “You should bring help to unload, because it’s not guaranteed that somebody will be out there to help you unload, and we’d like to keep the line moving as quickly as possible.”
Visit www.hardincountyky.gov or contact the county’s solid waste office (270-360-9207) for more information.