The Elizabethtown City Council met for a work session Monday evening.
Chris Rust with Strand Associates Inc. presented to the council on the stormwater utility fee assessment commissioned by the city. Rust said the study evaluated residential and non-residential properties across the city to determine the number of equivalent residential units.
“Basically what that means is what is the average amount of impervious area on one residential parcel,” Rust said. “So when we’re talking about impervious areas, we’re talking about rooftops, driveways, sidewalks, those types of surfaces that really generate more stormwater runoff when there’s a rainfall event.”
77 percent of the ERUs identified are on non-residential properties and 23 percent are on residential properties. The study broke down projections based on rates the city could potentially set.
“Even at $4 per ERU, that stormwater utility program would generate nearly $1.9 million annually, and up to about $4 million annually if the ERU was $8.60,” Rust said.
Elizabethtown Stormwater Management Director Rita Davis said the additional revenue from a stormwater utility fee would be useful as the city looks at increased usage with area growth.
“As you guys know, we spend $4 million or so a year on stormwater, capital stormwater projects, so this is a way to kind of offset some of those costs,” Davis said. “Every property in the city is utilizing our stormwater system in some capacity.”
In other meeting news, City Engineer Michael Page updated the council on several projects. Page noted work such as the completion of the Meadow Lane project, securing easements for the outdoor music venue, and the Veterans Way roundabout.
The Elizabethtown City Council will next meet March 17.