The Stephen Foster Drama Association has announced the production that will accompany their regular show this season, and while “the sun shines bright on My Old Kentucky Home,” “the hills are alive with the Sound of Music.”
The drama association has announced that the Rodgers and Hammerstein classic will be the organization’s summer Broadway musical this year. The show will be performed at the J. Dan Talbott Amphitheatre in Bardstown this July and August.
The organization describes the Sound of Music as “a Broadway musical about Maria, a spirited governess who brings joy, music, and love back to the von Trapp family.” featuring classic songs such as “Do-Re-Mi”, “My Favorite Things”, and “Climb Ev’ry Mountain”, the original Broadway production won the Tony Award for Best Musical and the 1965 film adaptation won the Academy Award for Best Picture.
The Broadway production, ironically, opened the same year that The Stephen Foster Story first ran at the amphitheater at My Old Kentucky Home State Park.
More information and tickets are available at, or contact the box office at 502-348-5971.