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Annual school safety report shows increased compliance and increased SRO presence

State officials say Kentucky schools are continuing to make progress towards statewide school safety goals.

The Kentucky Office of the State School Security Marshal on Wednesday released the annual School Safety Risk Assessment Report. According to the report, 1,325 schools across the commonwealth are in compliance with the School Safety and Resiliency Act, a compliance rate of 99.81 percent.

State School Security Marshal Ben Wilcox said in the report that the number of school resource officers assigned to school campuses is 790, a 28 percent increase from last year and a 61 percent increase since House Bill 63 which requires every public school to have a SRO was signed into law.

The State School Security Marshal’s Office compiles the report based on unannounced visits to public schools. This year’s report indicates schools are complying with “mandated access control requirements regarding electronic-locking front doors, surveillance, locked classroom doors, classroom-window coverings, and a threat-assessment team.” Recommendations in the report include education of school staff on social media safety, ensuing up-to-date emergency operations plans, and ensuring training for front office staff on security measures.

Assessments for individual schools are not made public due to safety concerns. Kentuckians are encouraged to report possible threats against school safety to the STOP! Tipline at 1-866-393-6659 or online at

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