The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet is reminding motorists to help protect themselves, their families, and their neighbors by using caution when driving through work zones as National Work Zone Awareness Week is recognized this week.
According to the KYTC, in 2023 Kentucky recorded 1,251 crashes in highway work zones which resulted in 247 injuries and 17 deaths, nearly triple the number of fatalities from the year prior.
KYTC District Four Public Information Officer Chris Jessie says the most important thing for a driver to do when on the road is pay attention.
“One of the main challenges in operating a work zone is distracted driving, and that’s not really anything new, and the phone continues to be that primary distracting factor for vehicle operators,” Jessie said.
The KYTC continues to try to implement safety measures in work zones, which come in many forms.
“The zones aren’t just those obvious big projects like we have going on at the interchange at Glendale or north of Lebanon Junction on I-65, but they’re mowing, they are striping when we’re repainting the road, patching a pothole, or replacing a pipe underneath,” Jessie said “So put that phone down, slow down, and pay attention to work zone signage. That’s for the safety of our crew that is out there working and our contractors, as well as your own as a motorist.”
Visit the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet on the web to learn more.