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Nolin RECC invites teachers to apply for Operation Round Up grants

Nolin RECC is accepting applications for “Be a Light” teacher grants, which are awarded from Operation Round Up donations.

“This year, it is opening to 30 of the $200 grants for certified teachers, K through 12, in Hardin and LaRue counties,” said Operation Round Up Board Chair Price Smith.

The board is doubling the number of teacher grants awarded this year due to the increased number of applications received last year.

Nolin says the mission of Operation Round Up is to make a positive impact on the community, and this funding is a way to support teachers in their efforts and help with classroom costs. Smith says applying for the program is easy.

“The application is open during the month of September,” Smith said. “You can apply at There’s an online form. Two or three clicks and you’ve got it submitted. We’d like as many folks to apply for this go-around as we can.”

The deadline to apply is September 30.

The teacher grants are in addition to the Community Impact grants awarded through Operation Round Up, for which applications will be available in March of 2024. For more information, visit

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