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Glendale Mobility Study survey closes Friday

The deadline to respond to the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet’s recent survey regarding additional roadway options to accommodate the increased traffic expected in Glendale is Friday, September 8.

More options were put up for review based on new information the KYTC received as they continue to prepare for development stemming from the opening of the Blue Oval SK plant.

“One is the Northwest Bypass portion that was previously labeled as unfeasible is now on the table as a possibility and a path that could be used for a bypass around Glendale,” said KYTC District Four Public Information Officer Chris Jessie. “We also have an A plus B kind of scenario where it combines the Northwest and Northeast bypass options into one continuous bypass around Glendale on the north side of KY-222.”

Jessie said the KYTC cannot predict the future of just how much development Blue Oval SK will spark, but information collected during the survey will help with planning.

“There are so many moving parts to that whole scenario,” Jessie said. “It is difficult to forecast, but that’s what the study is about. It’s about doing the best homework we can, getting the best data we can.”

Jessie also stressed that the results of the survey are not a final decision.

“The study is ultimately not a decision of what’s going to happen,” Jessie said. “It’s prioritizing and showing what the public has given us feedback about. It’s a study, it’s just what it says, and those study results will give us recommendations for how to move forward.”

All are welcome to complete the survey, which is open until September 8, and can be found at

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