Elizabethtown Police K9 Units were on the campus of Elizabethtown High School last week. On Wednesday morning, Elizabethtown Independent High School was placed on a soft lockdown while the Elizabethtown Police Department’s K-9 Unit conducted a sweep of the premises and surrounding grounds for any illegal drug paraphernalia. “At the request of Elizabethtown Independent Schools, K9 Mina, a three year old Belgian Malinois, and K9 Lola, an eight year old Belgian Malinois, along with their handlers conducted a sweep of Etown high school. Both canines are nationally certified by the North American Police Work Dog Association for narcotic odor detection, ” stated Elizabethtown Police spokesperson Chris Denham. The drug sweep was a proactive measure. “It was maybe 2017 or 2018 the last time that the high school did this. Moving forward, we have talked about doing two a year. So one in the fall and one in the spring semester, because of just the epidemic that we see in our young people right now,” said Superintendent Kelli Bush. At no time were any students in the presence of either of the K-9 dogs.
Update On Elizabethtown High School Soft Lockdown Last Week