During the Radcliff City Council meeting last night, Mayor JJ Duvall and Tim Jeffries, Director of Parks and Recreation, discussed a struggle that could affect community pool hours and services. “In dealing with the pool and lifeguards, we are having a little bit of a tough time. Right now, we’re still a little bit understaffed where we need to be to have our swim lessons and then to keep the pool fully staffed. Which means if we don’t get more people applying and people trained, some of the services may be reduced due to the fact that we don’t have staffing.That’s kind of our dilemma right now that we’re in. We have to strongly consider, obviously, what we can and can’t do. Some depend on how many lifeguards we get and will depend on how we either have swim lessons – and we’re getting really crunch time on the swim lessons – hours of the lifeguards able to walk work all day and then how long we keep the pool open,” shared Mayor JJ Duvall. Jeffries stated that the pool has three returning life guards and four new applicants that would need to be trained and certified. For more information, visit the City Of Radcliff Facebook page or contact the Radcliff City Hall.
Radcliff Pool Hours, Swim Lessons Could Be Impacted By Staffing Issues