In his evening press conference last night, Governor Andy Beshear announced that there are currently 2,291 cases of COVID-19 in the Commonwealth. Of those cases, 88 were newly confirmed. In addition, it was reported that 862 have recovered from the virus, however there were seven new deaths reported last night, brining the state’s total to 122. In terms of new steps, the Governor announced the first stage of a unique testing regiment, and partnership with Louisville Metro Government, the Christina Lee Brown Environmental Institute, and the University of Louisville designed to save lives and get people back to work quicker. The goal of the regiment, called the Co-Immunity Project is to check antibodies in those who have had the virus to see if there is a level of immunity. This would be the beginning steps to allow those with a level of immunity to assist in public places and help those in need. The Governor also announced that his administration is deepening ties with neighboring Indiana and Ohio in order to eventually coordinate plans to reopen the economies of the states. Governor Beshear says the leaders will continue regular calls and planning sessions over the coming weeks, with updates being provided as actions are taken.
4/16/2020- Governor Beshear announces Co-Immunity Project