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Movie Pitch

Let’s have some movie fun…can you guess the movie from its quick synopsis?

  1. Top Gun. With Aliens.
  2. Earthquake. With A Helicopter. And The Rock.
  3. Die Hard. On A Plane.
  4. Die Hard. In Space.
  5. Mad Max. On The Ocean.
  6. My Fair Lady. With A Crocodile Wrestler. No Songs.
  7. Escape From Alcatraz. This Time, They’re Breaking In.
  8. Like Mission Impossible. But With Nukes.
  9. Planet Of The Apes. In The Jungle. On Steroids.
  10. Snakes. On A Plane. (Ok that one is a freebie!)
    Can you think of others for US to guess?

Gift of Children

As a father it is easy to sometimes forget how precious a gift my children are. In Psalm 127:3 we read, “children are a gift from the lord; they are a reward from him” “Jesus said, ‘let the little children come to me, and so not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’” “ Matthew 19:14. As a father I have no greater joy then to hear that my children are walking in the truth (3 john 1:4).