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Praise & Shine Ep.12 – Wherever You Go

How comforting it is to know that wherever we go, God is there with us. Sometimes we find ourselves in situations and wonder if God is even there. We may feel so alone and depressed. We can’t feel God’s presence, and we need His guidance and help. But know this truth; God is with us, leading us, guiding us, loving us, and providing for. Even if we can’t see it now, have comfort that No matter what is going on in your life, He is there! God goes where you go.

Hartland Songwriters Association of Kentucky

Hollie Sexton interviews Jonnie Bonnett about the Hartland Songwriters Association of Kentucky; Jonnie is the president of this organization that provides networking, legal information, support and discounted equipment rental to song writers and musicians in the Commonwealth.

Showtime with Scott Ep. 60

At theaters now, from Disney Studios, “Maleficent: Mistress of Evil”. Also opening nationwide today is ”Zombieland: Double Tap. DVD and Blu-ray releases this week include “Crawl”, “Stuber”, and “The Art of Self Defense”. The weekend and movies await!
